Chapter 17: Moonlight

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To your surprise, you passed the entry test with flying colors. You had to shoot targets moving at high speeds and be put into simulated battle scenarios, along with a wide array of other things. The part you were most nervous about, pathetically, was the background check. Luckily, Finn did his work and added a few lies to your background, like fabricating a criminal history containing one count of aggravated battery, two counts of destruction of property, and one count of vandalism, but the vandalism charges were dropped. That was mere child's play to the shit you've done in the past.
It's been two weeks after you officially joined and you've been spending most of your free time on the training grounds. You take out your earbuds when you hear someone calling your name.
"Huh?" You ask.
"Cadet {L/N}, please report to Dr. Ziegler's office," Athena announces.
"Oh, thanks." You strap Clover to your back and jog to Angela's office. Once you get there, you go to knock on the door, but it slides open before your knuckles can make contact. Angela sits at a desk at the other side of the room, facing the door with a smile.
"Nice seeing you again, {Y/N}." She stands up from her chair.
"How'd you know I was even there?" You ask, pointing at the closing door behind you.
"Motion sensors. Every office has them. Once you climb the ranks, you'll get an office of your own." Angela picks up a box from on top of her desk and approaches you. "Which reminds me; now that you're an official member of Overwatch, you need a uniform. I want you to try it on to see if it fits."
As she hands you the box, you grin and open it. "Thank you so much, Angela! I'll put it on right now!" You practically skip out of her office and go to your own room. You open the door to see Jesse laying on your bed, reading a comic book. He looks up and sees your ecstatic expression.
"What's all the ruckus, pumpkin pie?" He chuckles, resting an issue of Jonah Hex on the bed and sitting up.
"I got my new uniform!" You squeal.
"Well, what're ya still doin' here!? Go put it on!" Jesse laughs. Excitedly, you run to the bathroom and strip off your clothes, setting the box on the back of the toilet. As if it were made of glass, you lift the thick yet lightweight material out of the box and hold it in front of you. You step into the uniform and zip it up in the back. You put on the boots and gloves left in the box to finish the look, turning about face to look in the mirror behind you.
The lightly armored body suit is a deep royal blue, accentuating your figure while keeping you protected. The uniform's abdomen and insides of the legs are a pure white, giving a pleasant accent color. You look down back into the box and hold up a long, dark blue jacket. You were never one for wearing jackets, so you decide to wrap the sleeves around your waist and let it drape behind you. You take a few steps to look at yourself from a different angle, only to realize that your blue, high-heeled boots are completely silent. To make sure, you walk around the bathroom and even jump a few times. Not a sound.
"Cool..." you mutter to yourself. Turning to the side, you look at your left shoulder and notice, under the Overwatch seal, a small patch with the word "MOONLIGHT" in bold stitched onto it. Though you're a bit confused, you walk out of the bathroom and turn to face Jesse. He sits up and smiles.
"Lookin' good, Moonlight." Jesse stands up and wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your cheeks.
"Wait, you know what that's about?" You hug him back and giggle.
"Course I do. It's your code name. I came up with it."
"Why Moonlight, though?"
"Remember that night I showed ya the harvest moon? One of the best nights of my life."
Standing on your toes, you hold him even tighter. "Aw! That's so sweet!" Jesse pulls away from you and begins to unbutton his shirt, causing you to flinch. "Wh-What're you doing!?"
"Hey, can't a man get into uniform?" Jesse snickers at you. "Or are ya gonna leave me behind on your first mission?"
"M-m-my first mission!?!?"

HI EVERYONE!!!! SURPRISE, I'M NOT DEAD!!!! (well, I'm alive on the outside.) I'm super sorry about the lack of uploads. I'm on the crew/rowing team at my high school, and at the time of writing this, the state championship is this weekend. I haven't had time to sit down and write for months, although I've been trying my best. I've also been working on a new, original, sci-fi book that you should look forward to in the near future. I've been putting all of my effort into this new book to make it better than any other book on my profile, and hopefully use it to kickstart my career. Luckily, school ends in early June, so I'll be able to write more! But until then, please bear with me. Thank you so much for your support!


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