Chapter 18: Operation Crossfire

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(SONG NAME: Put Your Head on my Shoulder by Paul Anka)

"Moonlight... Moonlight!"
You pull yourself back into reality when your hear your call sign. "Yeah, that's me!" You sit up, forgetting you were strapped into a seat of an aircraft. You look to your left and see Lena grinning at you.
"Ready for your first mission?" She asks.
"Sorry, I was dozing off. But yeah, I am a bit nervous, though." You chuckle.
Jesse, who's sitting on the other side of you, wraps his arm around your shoulders. "You'll do just fine, honeybee. Ya know the plan, right?"
"I set up a vantage point on the roof of building J-18 and wait for for the signal?"
"Bingo." Jesse kisses the top of your head, causing you to giggle and lean against him.

The aircraft eventually lands and you, along with the rest of your team (Jesse, Lena, Angela, Jack, and Reinhardt) take your positions. When you go off on your own, you look back and see Jesse talking with the others about something you can't decipher. You pull up your map and locate building J-18, which is nearly on the other side of the city. After running for a while, you begin to grow fatigued. Strapping Clover to your back, you put your right foot against the wall of a brick building to rest, only to find that you can't pull it away. You swing your other leg back, kick the wall, and your left foot sticks to the wall above your right. Slowly but surely, you repeat this process until you get to the roof of the building. You chuckle and turn on your earpiece to communicate with the others.
"Mercy, can you come in?" You squat down.
"Go ahead, Moonlight," Angela replies, voice slightly staticky.
"I knew my boots were silenced, but you didn't tell me they can climb walls!"
"I didn't? My bad!" Angela laughs to herself. "Your boots can climb vertical surfaces, have a jump boost to clear long distances, and cushion jumps and falls to protect your ankles and legs. It just slipped my mind, I'm sorry!"
"It's fine, Mercy." You stand back up. "I'm headed to my vantage point right now, I'll let you know when I get there."
"Understood, Moonlight."
As Angela signs off, you begin to leap across buildings towards J-18, which is much quicker than walking on the street. Finally, you reach your objective and set up shop. You deploy your tripod and attach Clover to it, focusing your scope on the ground below.
"I'm in position," you speak into your earpiece.
"As am I," Angela replies.
"Ready to go!" Lena exclaims.
"I am prepared to do battle, my friends!!" Reinhardt roars.
"I'm on the point," Jack states, "McCree, do you copy?"
There's only silence from Jesse. Your stomach lurches at the thought of him not being safe.
"Jesse, respond." Your voice shakes.
Instead of a response, only music plays through the speaker. Slow, sweet music. (PLAY SONG)
"Moonlight. High noon, look down." Jesse's voice speaks, causing you to heave a sigh of relief. Doing as he says, you look straight in front of you and look down at Jesse on the ground below as the lyrics begin.
"Put your head on my shoulder..."
"My darlin' {Y/N}..."
"Hold me in your arms, baby..."
"The past few months with ya have been the best of my life."
"Squeeze me oh-so tight..."
"I knew I was missin' somethin' in my life..."
"Show me..."
"But I didn't know what it was..."
"That you love me too..."
"Till I walked into that bar and saw ya sittin' there, downin' an entire pint of Guinness..."
"Put your lips next to mine, dear..."
"{Y/N}, I've never met anyone..."
"Won't you kiss me once, baby..."
"So smart..."
"Just a kiss goodnight..."
"You and I will fall in love..."
"People say that love's a game..."
"And beautiful..."
"A game you just can't win..."
"You're one-of-a-kind..."
"If there's a way, I'll find it someday..."
"You've given me somethin' no one else has ever given me..."
"And then this fool will rush in!"
"Someone to love."
"Put your head on my shoulder..."
"I can't afford to lose someone like ya, {Y/N}."
"Whisper in my ear, baby..."
"Which is why..."
"Words I want to hear..."
"{Y/N}, my darlin' lady..."
"Tell me..."
"Tell me that you love me too..."
"Will ya marry me—"


A large armored vehicle flies down the street, striking Jesse. Blood splatters on the roof of the vehicle, its engine roaring as it speeds away. A horrified, blood-curdling shriek escapes your throat as you drop to your knees. Music continues to play through the broken static.
"—your head o— sho— er—"
A glint of red light shines in the corner of your eye.
"Whis— in m— r—b—by—"
Standing up, you wrench Clover off her tripod and aim at the light. The red glints again and you pull the trigger.
"Wor— want to h— r— baby..."
A gunshot, not belonging to you, rings out as a sharp pain fills your entire body. Limply, you drop your gun and place your palm over the center of your chest. The fabric of your uniform begins to dampen. You slowly lay on the concrete roof, staring up at the night sky, your body numb and your mind fading.

"Put your head on my...shoulder..."

"Moonlight, do you copy? Is everything alright? Moonlight, come in!! McCree, are you okay!? This is no time for jokes, come in now!! Please..."

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