Chapter 7: Good Morning

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You wake up to hair tickling your nose. Soft hair. You open your eyes and find Jesse's head resting on your chest, his face nestled into the crook of your neck. His left arm is warm to the touch. You're shirtless. What happened last night? Oh yeah. Heheh. You get out of bed slowly as to not wake up Jesse. Where are your clothes? You look around. All you can find are Jesse's clothes and your panties. You pick them up off the floor and put them on. Finding a clean pair is the least of your worries. You can't wear your uniform, that'll blow your cover. Making sure Jesse is still asleep, you unzip his suitcase and rummage around. You find a plain white tee shirt inside. You slip it on over your head. The bottom of it reaches just below your hips, enough to cover everything. Just so you don't trip, you grab Jesse's hat, belt, boots, and metal chest plate from off the floor and put them on the bedside table. You zip his suitcase back up and carefully climb back into bed, wedging yourself in between Jesse's arms. His eyes slowly open and his lips form a sweet smile when he sees you.
"Mornin', beautiful," he croons, planting a soft kiss on your nose. He looks down at your attire. "Why are ya wearin' my shirt?" He chuckles.
"I couldn't find mine," you admit.
"Well, ya did wake up at 'bout three in the mornin' to wash both of our clothes," Jesse tells you. You make a face of visible confusion.
"I did?"
"Ya don't remember?"
"I asked ya where ya were goin', and ya said 'elsewhere.' I got worried ya were gonna leave, but ya grabbed our clothes and put them in the washin' machine."
You giggle. "I did? I must've been asleep!"
Jesse smiles at you. "Anyway," he continues, "there's this... parade going on today. Would ya... want to go with me?"
You smile brightly. "Of course I--"
Vvt. Vvt.
You sit up. Your phone is ringing. Who has your number? The screen says "UNKNOWN NUMBER" in large letters. You pick up the phone. "Hello?"
"Hi, is this Miss {L/N}?"
You recognize the voice instantly.
"Oh shite!" You spring out of bed. "Sorry, hun, I need to take this call," you say as you kiss Jesse's cheek. You run into the kitchen. "Top o' the mornin' to ya, Blue," you cheerfuly say.
Blue has a hint of confusion in his voice. "Who's 'hun?' Not even a week in the US and you're already hoeing. But the real question is, does your 'hun' know your secret?"
You blush, attempting to hide the embarrassment in your voice. "No. Anyway, now that we're done talking about my love life, why'd you call me?"
"Okay, so there's this parade going on today. I need you to kill this guy. A mayor from a neighboring town. Extremely against Omnics. The allegations say that he murdered an Omnic child. The kid's parents assigned the hit. You up to it?"
You need to think. You could accept, get paid, avenge this child, but miss your first actual date with Jesse. You could also decline, spend the day with your sweetheart, but lose money and upset Blue and the family. You come up with a compromise.
"Sorry, Blue. I'm gonna need to rain check. Too risky. Too many witnesses, not enough sniping points. But I'll pay City Hall a visit soon enough," you mutter. "Gotta go, I'll talk later." You hang up. Jesse walks out of the bedroom, wearing only his boxers and hat. He hugs you from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder, looking up at you and grinning sweetly. You look at him.
"Oh my god, you're absolutely adorable," you blurt out as you turn around and kiss his lips. You pull away.
"Who were ya talkin' to?" Jesse asks.
"My boss," you respond. You're not lying. Blue is your boss. "He wanted me to work today, but I told him I was busy. I wanna spend the day with you instead."
Jesse strokes your hair. "Well, ain't that sweet." He kisses your cheek and walks over to the coffee machine. He makes coffee for the both of you. You sit on his lap while you enjoy coffee and breakfast. It's a little awkward at first, but you start a conversation.
"So..." you say. "I guess we're a thing now."
"Guess so."
"It's my first..."
"Really? With a pretty face like that, I reckon you'd have guys all over ya!"
"Haha! Aw, you're so sweet."
"Yeah, this ain't my first relationship, but it's the only one that really counts. Most of my relationships only lasted one night. You? You're different. You're..."
"Not a slag."
Jesse laughs. "Exactly." He kisses your cheek, causing you to giggle. The two of you discuss your plans for the day, which include the parade, a movie, a romantic dinner, and a trip to the bar. You realize you can't go on a date wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt. You down your coffee and freshen up. You kiss Jesse goodbye as you grab your phone and wallet and run out the door.
You walk down the street (which are once again loud and crowded now that the power is back on) and take out your phone. You call the only number in your contacts.
"Hey, Blue. I need your advice," you say. Blue sounds confused. "What is it, Whisper?"
"We're friends, right?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Can you... uh... help me pick out a dress for my date with Jesse tonight?"
Blue stops talking for a minute. "Sure," he sighs. You smile as you walk into the dress store. The lady at the front counter greets you and asks you what you're looking for.
"I'm looking for a somewhat simple and modest dress that's perfect for a dinner date. I think the restaurant is called... Chez de la Poubelle." The clerk comments on how fancy the restaurant is and how your date is treating you right, causing you to blush. The clerk shows you some dresses. None of them really interest you. You've always been used to subtlety. You notice strapless black dress with a short, pleated skirt and silver glitter at the bottom of it. The glitter lessens when it nears the top of the skirt, reminiscent of a starry night sky. It reminds you of your uniform, but a hell of a lot cuter. You send a picture of the dress to Blue, then hold the phone up to your face.
"How's this?" You ask.
"Hold on, it's sending..." Blue mutters. He gasps, surprising you. "I love it! It's going to look so good on you!" Blue laughs. He actually sounds happy, his voice has a slightly flamboyant tone to it. You smile, making a few assumptions about him in your head.
"Thanks!" You say as you take the dress off the hanger and bring it to the cashier, along with a thin, black velvet choker and a pair of black velvet pumps. You pay and leave the store, chatting with Blue on the way back to your apartment. You tell him about Jesse and how things are going. Blue tells you about how he's getting lonely.
"I want to settle down, y'know?" He rambles. "Get a proper home, get married, have a rugrat or two, and just live a normal life. But I don't want anyone to know about me. Too risky."
He pauses for a second, then takes a sip of something, presumably from the sound of a glass being placed on a table. "But you?" He continues. "You're a good friend, y'know that? We can tell each other things and we won't tell another soul."
"Mostly because we don't have any friends to tell," you chuckle.
"Says you, Miss 'Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy!'" Blue jokes.
Your face turns scarlet. Must be an American saying, but you fully understand what it means.
"Feck off, Blue, ye bastard!" You exclaim, your Irish accent becoming obvious. Your accent always comes out when you're angry or flustered. You two talk until you reach your apartment building. You tell Blue that you need to go.
"Wait!" He interrupts you. "I uh... currently live in a nearby state. Maybe we could meet up?"
You smile. "Of course! I've always wanted to meet you in person. You free... maybe next Wednesday? There's a Starbucks near my apartment building. I don't really like Starbucks, but maybe we could just meet there?" You ask.
Blue writes something down, then agrees. You both say goodbye and hang up. You take the elevator up to your apartment to get ready.

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