Chapter 5: In the Dark

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(Author's Note: This is gonna be a long one at almost 1,700 words, so I hope you're comfy.)
The sun shines in your face, making it hard to open your eyes. You shield your face and sit up in bed. You're confused for a split second because you aren't in your old room in the train station. Then you remember you're here. And Jesse is too. Wait... where is Jesse? He isn't in bed next to you. Thoughts race through your head. What if he left? What if they found him? What if they took him? What if--
"{Y/N}, I'm back!"
You scramble out of bed and run to the front door. Jesse is standing there, holding a few shopping bags. He smiles at you. "Mornin', sunshine. Ya were sleepin' for a while, so I decided to go get some food to make ya breakfast for a lil' surprise." He starts walking to the kitchen. He looks back at you. "Ya snore pretty loud, y'know that?" He snickers. Your face turns scarlet. He puts the bags on the kitchen counter and leans on the table. "So... since you're awake, wanna cook with me?" You look to the side. Jesse chuckles and practically reads your mind. "Lemme guess. You've never cooked a homemade meal before, and ya want me to teach ya how. Is that it?" You nod. He takes your hand in his and pulls you next to him. He teaches you how to make omelets. Everything is going fine, until you break an egg into a bowl. It cracks and a sharp piece of shell digs into your thumb's cuticle. It hurts like hell. There's only one thing to do. You start screaming.
Jesse's eyes widen and he tries to calm you down. He takes you to the bathroom and sits you on the lid of the toilet. He kneels down in front of you and looks down at your thumb, the large shard of the shell poking out from under your skin.
Jesse looks up at you. "This might hurt, so get ready." He leans into your thumb, his lips gingerly touching your nail. He gently pulls the shell out of your thumb with his teeth, the shell remaining in one piece. You wince in slight pain as you let out a quiet "Fook!" He spits the shell out into the bathroom sink. After he takes the it out, the puncture wound starts to bleed. Jesse gently holds your hand and turns on the faucet, running your thumb under the ice cold water. It hurts for a second, but starts to numb the pain after ten seconds. You can faintly hear Jesse humming over the water running. He turns the water off and takes a bandaid out of the medicine cabinet. He takes the bandaid out of its wrapper and applies it to your thumb ever so gently. He raises your hand to his lips and kisses the bandaid, then looks up at you. "Better?" He asks. Your face is crimson. Unable to form words, you just nod. He holds your hand and you both stand up straight, your faces so close that your noses are nearly touching. (Well, after you're looking up at him.) After some prolonged eye contact, you two head back to the kitchen and finish making breakfast. The two of you eat on the couch together. The omelets turn out to be really good. Once you two finish breakfast, Jesse helps you unpack your bags. Surprisingly, it takes a while, mostly because you two procrastinate by sitting on the couch and watching reruns of One Punch Man at random intervals.
You notice the sun start to set. And the power goes out. You stand up and walk around, your arms out in front of you. You crouch in front of a bag and unzip it, pulling out your emergency night vision goggles. You use them for night missions if the town's power goes out. You switch the goggles on and look around. You walk towards the front door and say "Jesse, I'm by the front door. I'm going out to buy candles. You're coming with me."
Slowly, Jesse's shadow walks towards you. He almost trips on something. He bends over and picks up the cylindrical object. Your eyes widen when you both realize it's a flashlight. You quickly take your goggles off before Jesse finds the switch to avoid blindness. The room dimly lights up, and you put the goggles back in their bag. It gets pretty cold at night, so you put on a pair of gloves. Deciding no one will care, you strap Clover to your back.
You instinctively grab Jesse's metal wrist and guide him down the hallway, the flashlight lighting your way. He tenses up. "I don't think I'm gonna get lost in a narrow hallway," he chuckles.
Your face feels like it's on fire. "I... have a slight fear of tight spaces," you admit. You feel frigid steel wrap around your hand. You swivel your head and look back at Jesse, who's smiling. "Don't worry," he says. "I gotcha."
You smile warmly and tighten your grip on his hand, causing the metal to warm up. You two make your way out of the building and down the street, hand in hand. The streets are completely empty. No cars, no people. It's unsettling to say the least. Well, to normal people. You're used to evacuated streets, lockdowns, and curfews. Mostly because you cause them. Everyone has gone home. Stopping at a small corner store, you peer through the window and look three things: candles, employees, and cameras. You see candles sitting on a shelf near the back of the store. No cameras or workers are inside. You let go of Jesse's hand and hold Clover in your arms.
"Sorry, lass," you mutter as you bash the glass window open with her. No alarm sounds.
Jesse chuckles. "Damn! Ya never seemed like the criminal type."
You wink at him as you brush glass off of Clover. "I get that a lot."
You both step through the shattered window. You grab a plastic shopping bag laying on the floor. Jesse looks around the store for something, while you go to the back of the store and grab a few packs of candles and matches. While you're at it, you grab a bottle of soda, some popcorn, and five boxes of your favorite Poptarts. You make sure Jesse isn't looking, and grab a box of tampons and stuff it into your bag. Just in case. Speaking of Jesse, you've had this thought on your mind, but you don't know how to say it. You're scared to. After about a minute of motivational internal monologuing, you turn around and walk over to Jesse.
"Um, I have a question," you say to him. Jesse turns around and looks at you.
You inhale deeply, then exhale.
"Do you... want to move in with me...?" Your face turns scarlet. Jesse stares at you, eyes wide. Oh god, you messed up.
Quickly, relief washes over his face. "Of course! I was gonna ask ya, but I didn't wanna sound rude. Thank God ya asked first."
You smile eagerly, and without hesitating, you throw your arms around Jesse's torso. He instantly hugs you back.
After grabbing a few extra items and a few bills from the register (and by a few, I mean all of them), you two start heading to Jesse's apartment to pack his things.
The streets are still abandoned and dark. You "jokingly" hold hands on the way. After Jesse packed a suitcase of his belongings, you head back home. A light, refreshing breeze blows from the north. It's actually quite peaceful. Until someone grabs you by the arm and yanks you into an alleyway. You collapse on the cold, hard pavement. Two men look down at you. One of them holds a gun to your head while the other one pins you to the brick wall.
"Give us everything," the man with the gun says in a thick southern accent. You start to shake. You can't reach Clover. You can't defend yourself. A tear rolls down your cheek. But like a knight in shining armor, Jesse sprints in. The men look up at him, obviously dumbfounded.
"McCree?! You're still around?!" One of them shouts.
Unable to keep your mouth shut, you exclaim, "You know these bastards?!" The armed man aggressively shoves his gun into your neck, causing you to gag. With a golden glint of fury in his eyes, Jesse pulls out his revolver and shoots both of the men dead in half a second. You collapse to your knees and wheeze, holding your throat. Jesse holsters his gun, runs over, and collapses in front of you. He makes sure you're okay, then hugs you. He explains that he was part of a group called the Deadlock Gang and how he left it to join Overwatch but that disbanded a while after, sprinkling in "I'm so sorry" here and there.
You sit up and cling to Jesse like your life depends on it. You hush him and tell him you're okay and that he's a hero for saving you. He flinches when you say "hero." Jesse pulls away from you, looking into your eyes. He puts his hand on your cheek and tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. Jesse closes his eyes and leans forward until your lips meet. You flinch at the sudden kiss. You can feel the heat radiating off his face. His lips taste sweet, like honey. Submitting to him, you close your eyes and accept his kiss. Your heart is pounding out of your chest. After about five seconds, you pull away from each other. Jesse smiles at you and stands up. He picks up his suitcase and shopping bag in one arm, then picks you up. You're surprised.
"Jesse! What's this for?" You exclaim, giggling a little bit.
Jesse smiles a little. "I'm keepin' ya safe."
And so he carries you home, safe indeed.

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