You're Ireland's deadliest hired assassin. After years of running from the government, you decide to take a little vacation out of the country. While you're away, you meet someone just like you.
You walk into your apartment. The running water and pots clanging tell you that Jesse is in the kitchen. You slip into the bathroom and hide your shopping bag in the cabinet under the sink. There's a soft knock on the door. "{Y/N}? That you in there? Hope so." Jesse jokes. "Yeah! It's me," you respond, closing the cabinet door silently. "Well welcome home, darlin'. I'm makin' ya lunch. It'll be ready in... 'bout a few minutes," he says. "Thanks, Jesse," you say cheerfully. You flush the toilet and turn on the sink to avoid suspicion. You walk out of the bathroom and sit on the couch. "Alright, close your eyes!" Jesse calls out to you. You chuckle and do what he says. "Okay, now what?" You call out. "Keep 'em closed!" Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. "Can I look now?" "Hold on..." Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. "How about now?" "There. Perfect. Okay, now ya can. Careful, it's hot." You open your eyes and look at the table. An ornate looking china bowl sits on the table filled with ramen and various finely chopped vegetables. There chopsticks sitting next to the bowl. Your eyes light up and your mouth starts to water. "How did you learn to make this so... professionally?" You ask, surprised. Jesse sits down next to you. He's wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt. "An ol' friend of mine, Genji Shimada. We go way back. Had to share a room with him for 'bout a year. Taught me how to make ramen." Jesse smiles, as if he remembered something funny. "Oh my god, ya need to see this." He pulls out his phone and goes through his pictures. He shows you a screenshot from his Snapchat. It's him and a literal cyborg with spikey, black hair (presumably Genji) in their pajamas making ramen with the caption "Lunchtime with Genji." Jesse swipes to the next picture. It's of him sticking a gun into the bowl of ramen and an extremely blurred and angry Genji jumping backwards in fear with the caption "'MCCREE NO!!'" Seeing this, you snort and start to laugh. Jesse starts to laugh with you. You haven't laughed this hard in years. You wipe a tear from your eye and lean back. Jesse kisses your cheek. You wrap your arms and legs around him and kiss him on the lips gently. "Aww... C'mon, honeybee... at least eat first," Jesse teasingly whines. "I worked hard on that ramen." You sigh. "Alright, fine. I'll eat. Don't want it to go to waste." You let go of Jesse, sit up and lean over the bowl. You break the chopsticks apart and adjust them perfectly into your hand. You're basically a professional at using chopsticks because you've practically lived off of anonymously ordered Chinese food. You pick up a few strands of noodles and pop them into your mouth. Your eyes widen. The taste is incredible. The blend of the strong broth and subtle vegetables soaking into the noodles bombards your tongue with heavenly flavors. Your stomach taking control of your mind, you shovel more and more ramen into your mouth. Jesse smiles at you, proud of his work. After lapping up the last bit of food from the bowl, you lean back and sigh. "That was absolutely incredible. Thank you, love." You say as you lean into Jesse, wedging yourself into his arms. You two cuddle for about an hour (until you have to get up and use the bathroom). While washing your hands, you hear a muffled marching band, gradually getting louder and louder. You turn off the faucet and run to Jesse, who is asleep on the couch. "Jesse! Wake up! It's the parade!" You gently shake Jesse's shoulders and he lets out a faint "Hmm...?" before removing his hat from over his face and opening his eyes. Like an eager child waking up her parent on Christmas Day, you grab Jesse's wrist and pull him up to a standing position. He walks towards the door, but you stand in front of him. "What's the hold up?" He asks. "You're not going outside like that!" You scold. Jesse looks down at his clothes, then at yours. "Do I have to?" He groans. "Jesse." "But..." "Go change." "But..." "Please...?" You look up at him with the saddest eyes anyone has ever seen. Jesse's expression of annoyance melts into sympathy. "Fine. I'll do it for you, sweet pea." He kisses your forehead and walks to the bedroom. You lean on the wall and wait for him. A minute passes and Jesse walks out of the bedroom, ready for the day. He's wearing his hat, a white tee shirt under a red flannel shirt and jeans (which make his ass look amazing, by the way). He puts his hands in his pockets and looks at you. "Can we go now?" He asks, giving you an "I'm-really-sick-of-your-bullshit-but-I-still-love-you" look. You nod and gesture towards the window. "This way," you say, opening the window halfway until Jesse steps in front of you. He opens the window the rest of the way for you. "After you," he says, a flirty yet sweet smirk on his lips. You can't help but smile too. He helps you out the window and onto the ladder. You climb up and he follows close behind. You get up to the roof and help Jesse up. He takes his seat on the roof. It's pretty hot up here, making you regret wearing sweatpants. You sit on the roof next to him and immediately jolt upwards, yelping in pain. The roof is sizzling! "You alright, pumpkin? Got a seat right here if ya need it," Jesse chuckles, patting his lap. Without hesitation, you take your seat in your place of honor, leaning back into your boyfriend's arms. The parade passes by on the street below, between the crowded sidewalks of people watching. Jesse is mostly focused on you. "Judgin' by your fascination, I'm guessin' this is your first parade," he says, playing with a few strands of your hair. "Yeah..." you respond. "They ain't got parades back in Ireland?" "Oh no, they do. Just..." "Just what?" "My mom never let me go to one." "Why?" "'Too many eyes,' she always used to say." "Well, that sounds a lot like one big load of bullshit. In my opinion, at least. She shoulda let ya have fun." "Bit hard to have fun when you're running from the law." "I hear ya." "Well, I'm glad that I'm seeing my first parade with you," you say as you kiss Jesse's cheek. "Same here, lovebug," Jesse croons, a sweet smile on his lips as his cheeks start glowing pink. As the last float makes its way down the street, you and Jesse head inside. "I'm gonna get ready, then we can get goin', 'kay?" Jesse says, walking to the bedroom. "Got it," you respond, making your way to the bathroom. You close the door and peel off your clothes. You clean yourself up a bit, then put on your dress. You brush your hair (for once) and put on some subtle lipstick. You put on your choker and slip your bare feet into your shoes. Taking one last look in the mirror, you smile at the girl looking back at you. There's a soft knock on the door. "You ready?" Jesse asks. Giving yourself a three second motivational internal monologue, you walk out of the bathroom. Jesse is wearing a formal black suit with a red tie. His gun is at his side ("Just in case," he tells you) in a black leather holster. His unlit cigar almost falls out of his mouth when he sees you. "W-well..." Jesse stutters, clearing his throat. "Don't you clean up nice?" You obviously nailed the outfit. "I'd say the same to you, Jesse." You giggle. Jesse attempts to calm himself down while you put your wallet and a pistol in a black cross body purse. "So... wanna get goin'?" He says, putting his hand out to you. You smile and take his hand as a silent "yes." The two of you walk out of your apartment and down the street. Jesse wraps his arm around your waist as you walk down the crowded Main Street. You blush, tucking some of your hair behind your ear. The two of you get to the restaurant and sit down at your reserved table. You talk about Blue and how he helped you pick your dress while Jesse holds your hand in his on the table. Ever since he saved you from those Deadlock Gang members, he's been different. Sensitive. Vulnerable. Cute, even. Not that you're complaining or anything. You like it. You also like the names he calls you. Sweet pea, honeybee, darlin', beautiful, lovebug, they're all so cute! You can't help but giggle every time he gives you a cute nickname. And his smile. Not the confident and sly smirk, but that genuine, joyful, "I'm-happy-to-be-with-you" smile. It's contagious, almost. He puts that smile on every time he lays eyes on you. Your job description entitles that not many people should see you. Well... you like this. Nobody's ever told you you're beautiful because nobody's seen your face. Eh, the silver hair made you look old anyway. The new you makes you look cute. After dinner, you guys head to the movie theater. Jesse takes you to see a cowboy movie (duh) that he's watched ever since he was little. He seems so happy that it's being shown in theaters again after so long. Jesse buys you a large popcorn that you end up sharing with him. After the movie, you realize it's getting extremely late. You decide to skip the bar and make your own drinks at home. "Jesse..." you mutter, putting down your beer on the table and cuddling into your boyfriend's arms. "I love you... y'know that...?" Jesse kisses your cheek. "Yeah... I love ya too, honeybee..." he croons. He shifts his position so he's laying down on the couch and you're laying on his chest. You giggle at Jesse as he hugs you tightly. You kiss his cheek and slide out of his arms to stand up. Jesse pouts. "Awww, don't leave your huckleberry..." he whines. You chuckle. "I need to pee. I'll be right back." You say as you walk to the bathroom to do your business. You hear Jesse get off the couch and walk around. After you're done, you walk out of the bathroom and look at Jesse, who's looking out the window. "Hey baby," you say, leaning against the wall. "What are you looking at?" "C'mere." "How come?" "Onto the roof." "Why?" "It's a surprise." "Fine." You walk towards Jesse and climb through the window. He follows you. It's pretty bright out, considering it's the middle of the night. You reach the top of the ladder and look up at the sky. You can't believe your eyes.
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You sit on the roof, gazing up at the gigantic moon. You've never seen anything like it. The light makes the glitter on your dress shimmer. Jesse sits next to you. "Pretty, ain't it?" He says as he wraps his arm around your waist. You're almost speechless, but you manage to talk. "It's... amazing..." you mutter, leaning into Jesse. You hear Jesse chuckle a little, catching your attention. "What's so funny?" You ask. Jesse smiles at you. "You're so pretty, {Y/N}. The way the moonlight hits your face and lights up your eyes... makes ya look like an angel." An... angel...? You look down at your feet and sigh. "My mother called me an angel when I was little. She called me the only good thing in this world. But..." You stop. Tell him. Tell him you aren't an angel. Tell him how {Y/N} doesn't exist. Tell him who you really are. Tell him about the people you killed. Tell him about the blood on your hands. Tell him about the Whisper Killer. Tell him the truth. But you don't. "But you're here. You make me happy. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. And I love you." You wrap your arms around Jesse and pull him into a tight embrace. Jesse lifts you up onto his lap so you're facing him. He strokes your cheek with the back of his hand and smiles at you. "I love ya too," Jesse says, kissing your forehead, "and today was one of the best days of my life. I'm glad I spent it with you." He chuckles and nuzzles your cheek. You laugh a little as his soft hair brushes across your face. After a while of cuddling and enjoying the view, you two get tired and go to bed. It's pretty cold in your apartment, so Jesse keeps you warm by spooning you, wrapping his arms and legs around your body, and cocooning the blankets around both of you. His soft breaths soothe you and slowly begin to lull you to sleep. And for once in your life you could say... All was well.