Ch. 6

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Zoey's POV

When we get home I fall out of the car. Louis laughs and picks me up. I hang onto him and he tries to set me down again. He sighs when I don't come down. "Babe either get down or I'm seriously taking your Nando's away," Louis threatens and I drop again. He starts to walk away and I grab for him but fall off the back of the couch. I don't think he noticed. I get on all fours and walk to the kitchen. I start growling like a tiger and try to find him. When he walks into the kitchen he sees me and laughs. "What are you supposed to be?" I roar at him and he laughs. "Can animals write?" I stare at him like I don't know what that means. He smiles and walks out. I try to follow him and he turns and I take him down. He can't stop laughing. I lick his face like a dog and he scrunches his nose in disgust. I bark at him and he laughs. I walk around him in a circle and he tries to grab me. I back up in a downward dog position on my knees like I'm playing with him and I bark and lunge towards him. He catches me and kisses my cheek. I get up and walk outside to the pool. He follows I'm guessing to make sure I don't do anything stupid or drown. I start taking my clothes off and he runs up to me and pulls the shirt back down. I quickly take it off and throw it in the bushes. I take my jeans off while Louis tries to keep them on me. I finally get them off and I jump in the pool. After I'm in the shallow area I take my underwear off and throw it I don't even know where. His eyes widen and I smirk. He sighs and tries to get me out. He ends up taking his shirt and pants off too and staying in his boxers. He jumps in and tries to get me out. I get to the deep end and I go under. I try to swim up but I can't. Louis pulls me up and swims us to the shallow end. I cough some water up and get out and walk inside. "Get a towel Zo," Louis tells me.

"No I am dry, why do I need a towel?"

"Because you just got in the pool," he says. I shake my head.

"I don't think so Louis, I was just at the zoo," I reply. He laughs.

"Nope you were in the pool," he argues.

"LOUIS I WAS IN THE OVEN! I know where I was and I wasn't playing pigeon," I say. He laughs. I walk inside since he can't stop laughing and I take off my bra and walk to our room. I grab the closest thing to me and I put it on. It turns out it's the top Louis gave me before he got horny. I get into the shower and try to bathe. Louis walks in and sees me. "LOUIS!?! YOU CAN'T LET THE FLAMES TOUCH YOU!?! C'MON GET IN HERE!?!" He dies laughing and gets in. We wraps his arms around my waist. "I'm Jack and you're Rose!"

"Babe you're Rose," he corrects.

"That's what I said Felicia," I reply. I get out and walk into the kitchen. I try to get in the oven and Louis walks in and looks scared.


"I'm trying to be like hands and kettle," I say. He laughs and pulls me out. I open the fridge and see a bottle of brown stuff. I grab it but Louis immediately takes it from me and puts it back and shuts the fridge. I pout and walk to the couch and try to climb over from the back but trip and face plant onto the floor. "MARGRET?!" Louis dies laughing. "MARGRET DID YOU FIND THE BINGO PLAYING WIZARD?!"

"You don't forget anything do you," Louis asks. I think for a minute.

"What does India taste like?" I walk to the computer and type in India and print out a map. I try to eat it but Louis pulls it out of my mouth. "You're mean!" He sticks his tongue out and I try to bite it. He backs away. "Can we have a clock for dinner? That way we will always be on time," I say and he laughs. I walk into our bathroom and get my makeup out. I try to do it and then walk out to Louis. He screams and I cry. He hugs me.

"I'm sorry baby," he apologises. I crawl on top of him and he falls over. I stumble back into the kitchen and get that bottle again. I try to read it and it says Corona. I think I've heard of that before I think I'll be fine. I open it and drink it. Louis runs in and pulls it away from me as fast as he can. "NO!?! NO MORE ALCOHOL!?!" I walk towards him but all I see is black and I collapse. "SHIT!?!"

Midnight Memories (Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now