Ch. 13

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Zoey's POV

I wake up and see I'm in a dark room. I get up and look around. There is literally nothing. I pull out my phone since I luckily have it. Louis won't want to talk to me and of course Lottie won't. I hate myself so God damn much. The first notification I see is from Lottie on Twitter.

Lottie: Whoever thinks Zoey Williams is a perfect little angel is clearly mistaken. She a fucking bitch who only cares about herself! She broke my brothers heart again and she should just die! Nobody gives a fuck about her anyway!

I am balling my eyes out right now. Someone comes in and hugs me. I notice it's a girl but I can't see who it is. "Wh-who are y-you," I ask. She gets up and walks to the lights. When they come on I see someone I never expected, Gemma! "I g-guess you know who I am," I ask sadly.

"It's ok Zoey, I saw Lottie's tweet last night. Louis is looking for you. He came by and I didn't know what to say," she says. I nod and more tears come. She hugs me tighter and rubs my back.

"C-c-can you call L-Louis and tell him where I am? Even if he doesn't want me or flat out hates me I want him to know," I cry and she nods and gets up. She grabs her phone and comes back to me and hugs me again. I can't stop crying, I always fuck our relationship up. She calls him.

Gemma-Hey Louis?
Gemma-I have her, I didn't know what to say. I found her on the sidewalk bleeding out and crying. She couldn't breathe either.
Gemma-You better not hurt her Louis or I swear to God I will hurt you worse!?! She is already pretty much shattered inside and out.
Gemma-Alright just come to the guest room.
End of conversation.

"He'll be here in about five minutes if he's walking and two if he's driving," she informs me. The door flies open and I cry harder. She hugs me tighter and caresses my hair. I am having a hard time breathing again.

"I c-can't breathe," I say gasping for air. She hands me to Louis and I cry harder.

"Baby, I am staying with you! Like I said, if you stabbed me or wouldn't ever get off of me I couldn't give a shit because I want you as mine forever and ever princess," he says. I continue to cry and gasp for air. They put me in the car and drive to the hospital. Louis grabs my hand and kisses it. "I love you angel!" I smile as long as I can without gasping for air again and it doesn't last long. When we arrive Louis picks me up and runs me inside with Gemma following. They take me back and I grab both of their hands and pull them with me. Gemma jumps a little when I pull her along. The doctors bring me in a room and give me an oxygen mask. I hold tightly onto their hands. Gemma gets a call and runs out. Louis tightens his hand and I do the same. "It's gonna be ok baby, calm down," Louis tries. I shake my head and he sighs. He kisses my forehead and I close my eyes in bliss. I haven't stopped gasping for air and I have no clue what the doctors are doing. They ask Louis to leave so they can get me changed and I shake my head. "I'm her boyfriend, I've seen her before. I'm not leaving her either," Louis says. I nod and pull him closer to me. They roll their eyes and start trying to change me. I would much rather Louis do it. I give him a knowing look and he nods. "Do you mind letting me please? I can do it quickly," he asks.

"No, you aren't going to," the nurse declines rudely. I flip her off and take the mask off.

"I want him to change me!? I feel more comfortable with him," I try to yell. He puts the mask back on me as fast as he can and kisses my temple as I start wheezing more. I start calming down a little and the nurse groans and walks off. Louis changes me quickly and carefully and kisses my cheek then walks out to get the nurse. They come in and Gemma is behind them with a sad facial expression. After a few minutes the door opens and I see Lottie. I can't breathe at all and I can't tell myself how to breathe.

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