Ch. 18

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Zoey's POV

   We stay at Simon's for a while until he leaves to go back to England and we all drive back to Mullingar. When we get to Maura's she squeezes me in a hug. "Where did you go? I saw the note for Louis," she asks frantically.

   "False alarm. He was forced by management to do that. We are still engaged," I smile.

   "I'm so glad!" She pulls away and we all go and chill in the living room. Dan comes in with the rest of the family and they tell us goodbye so they can get back home for the kids to go to school. Once everyone is gone it's about seven o'clock at night. I lay on Louis and sigh exhausted.

   "Are you tired baby," he asks.

   "I'm exhausted," I admit.

   "Let's get dinner then go to bed."

   "Can we have our sleepover tonight or do we have to wait," Niall asks.

   "Ask Louis," I shrug.

   "What do you want babe?"

    "I don't know. I'm so tired," I sigh. He kisses my temple and rubs my lower back.

   "Lads can we do it tomorrow night? I want her to get her rest since we didn't last night and she took care of all of us this morning. Plus we are going home tomorrow," Louis asks.

   "That's fine Lou, we understand," Niall smiles and nods. I smile and snuggle into Louis.

"Thanks Ni," I smile at him.

"No problem love," he smiles back.

"Princess, do you want to go to bed or eat then go to bed," Louis asks me.

"I've always gotta eat," I smile. He chuckles and picks me up. He carries me into the kitchen and finds pizza. He pops it in the microwave and kisses me. When it's done we eat it with me falling asleep after every bite.

"Baby, are you ok?" I nod and eat another bite. Once we finish the pizza, he carries me to bed and changes me into pyjamas. I almost instantly fall asleep. "Sweet dreams gorgeous, I love you," he whispers to me as he lays next to me. I then mumble something along the lines of 'I love you too' but they probably sounded like, 'uh-uv-oo-oo.'

Next Morning

I wake up alone in bed. I groan and roll over to go back to sleep, but I get a text. I notice it's from Louis so I open it.

Louis:Call me when you wake up! I love you baby girl!

I sigh and dial his number.

Louis-Hello baby!
Me-Hey Lou.
Louis-You woke up to the text didn't you?
Me-No, I woke up then rolled back over to fall asleep then got the text.
Louis-Sorry baby! I didn't mean for that to happen.
Me-It's ok babe! Where are you?
Louis-Out somewhere. Niall and Maura are with you at the house.
Me-Where are you Louis?
Louis-I can't say right now.
Me-Louis you better tell me right now! I'm not in the mood!
Louis-Zoey! I'm not telling you until I am ready to! I have another surprise for you love! I'm not going to blow it!

I scoff and go to hang up but he interrupts me.

Me-I love you too and you better tell me something along the lines of where you are or else I'll search for you!
Louis-Liam and I are setting something up right now and Harry is with us. He is slowly getting over his...obsession with you.
Me-Fine don't tell me!
Louis-Babe, I'm sorry. All I'm telling you is it has to do with our future and it's good.
Me-Like near future? Far future?
Louis-Both...please trust me princess. I am not trying to piss you off or make you freak out. I want to surprise you.
Me-I know. I'm sorry Lou. I just woke up without my fiancé beside me and I'm still tired. That's no excuse for being a bitch.
Louis-Zo, calm down. It's ok and I understand. I'll be back in about two or three hours. The three of you go do something fun. I love you baby girl!
Me-I love you too baby boy! And nothing is fun without you!
Louis-Wow, well I'll be with you in a while love.
Me-Ok, I love you!
Louis-I love you too! Bye sexy!
Me-Bye gorgeous!
End of conversation

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