Ch. 16

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Zoey's POV

We get out and go inside. We sit at a table and Denise gets a high chair for Theo. I feel sorry for her having to take care of Theo all day. "Denise tell me how to help you. I don't want you to have to do everything by yourself," I say when she comes back.

   "Love don't worry! It's alright."

   "But Denise," I whine. She laughs and playfully rolls her eyes.

   "Fine! Will you feed him for me?"

   "Of course I will," I giggle. We order and our food comes out quickly. I cut Theo's chicken into tiny pieces and help him out when he can't reach it. He eats pretty slow so I finish quickly. "Hey Denise?"


   "When we get to the store can I buy him a toy," I ask her.

   "Uh oh, Aunt Zoey is spoiling my baby," Maura teases.

   "Of course you can," she laughs. I smile brightly and tickle him. He laughs and smiles at all of us.

   "So Maura, how have you been since that time I tried to jump off a bridge fully intoxicated," I ask.

   "Nobody told me you did that! All I knew was Fiz was pissed and Louis ran out with a knife that I never got back," she gasps.

   "Well...yeah. I drank a bottle of vodka and Louis found it then some stuff happened and Fiz screamed at me saying I was the reason Louis butchered his arms and that was it for me. I bolted out and Louis came after me. He threatened to cut more and I threw the knife in the water and stood on the edge of the bridge. I jumped but Louis pulled me back and into him then I passed out due to lack of oxygen from sobbing that much," I explain.

   "Oh honey I had no idea!"

   "It's ok! I'm fine now and Louis still loves me! He takes care of me and we talk it out," I smile.

   "That's great to hear," she grins. We finish our meals then we drive back to the mall. Denise groans and we find a parking spot on the other side of the mall. As soon as we walk in I see Louis and Greg running from girls.

   "Shit," Louis screams when he sees us and he and Greg run off. I look at the Maura and Denise and they have their jaws dropped.

   "What the fu-frick just happened," I ask watching my language so I don't cuss in front of Theo.

   "He hears it from Niall anyway," Denise reassures me.

   "Ok so what the fuck just happened," I asked.

   "Well..." Maura starts but we are interrupted by my boyfriend and Greg. He hugs me tightly and kisses me.

   "What the fuck is going on," I ask him.

   "Fan..." he pants, "!"

   "K...why," I ask curiously.

   "We went to a store and a girl saw. Please do not go on social media for the rest of the time we are here."

   "Ok, I trust you. I won't go on anything. Just texts to you and the boys and the girls and the families." He smiles brightly and kisses me again. I wrap my arms around his neck and he grins.

   "I love you and turn off all notifications from everyone on anything except messages and the phone."

   "You do it. I don't want to go on social media if you don't want me to." He smiles and pecks my cheek. He opens my phone and I look away from him so I don't see anything. "Don't forget to delete the history of the apps because I can see the exact picture." He nods then after a second hands it back to me.

Midnight Memories (Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now