Chapter 2: Battle of Sullust

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When the Jedi arrived on a Republic Assault Cruiser in orbit, they landed in the hanger and got out of their starfighters. There was Republic Gunships and Starfighters inside the hanger, along with Clone Troopers helping out, preparing for the incoming battle.

"Should we head over to the Command Bridge?" Darrel asked.

Obi-Wan and Anakin nodded. The four Jedi walked to an elevator that would take them to the bridge. Soon the elevator stopped and the Jedi walked out of it. Ahsoka walked beside Darrel, she smiled at him, and Darrel smiled back. 

"Have you ever went to Sullust before, Darrel?" Ahsoka asked.

"No I have not, Ahsoka." Darrel replied.

When they arrived on the Command Bridge, we stood at the Holo-Projector. Then a Republic Officer approached us. His name was Wullf Yularen. He was a Admiral of the fleet stationed above Coruscant. He looked like he was entering his mid forties.

"General Skywalker and Kenobi. Welcome aboard The Successor." Yularen said firmly.

The padawans looked at Yularen.

"Thank you, Admiral. I'd like you to meet my new Padawan, Darrel." Obi-Wan said as he gestured to his padawan.

"It's an honor to meet you, Admiral Yularen." Darrel said.

"Likewise, young one. General Kenobi, A few cruisers are going along with us to Sullust. We are to leave immediately." Yularen stated.

Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, so did Anakin.

The Successor and five other Republic cruisers jumped into hyperspace.

Meanwhile at Sullust, The Separatist have set up patrols around the factories. It was protected by Battle Droids and two Proton Cannons. Then, a Separatist Shuttle entered the planet with a Droid Starfighter escort, the shuttle landed on the surface. The landing ramp came down and the doors opened, General Grievous walked down the ramp with two Manga Guards.
Then he walked over to the Super Tactical Droid.

"General, welcome to Sullust. We are honored by your presence." The droid said.

Grievous growled at the Droid, he also coughed.

"Enough with the pleasantries. Count Dooku informed me that the Jedi will be here soon, they must not be allowed to take this factory." Grievous said.

The Droid nodded.

"Is the Defoliator ready?" Grievous asked.

"No, General. There is-" was all the droid could say until Grievous threw him on the ground.

"Well, I suggest you speed up the process!" Grievous barked as he ignites one of his lightsabers and places it close to the Droid's neck.

"Roger, Roger." the Droid replied.

Meanwhile, the Republic Fleet came out of hyperspace. The Separatist Fleet detected them. Both fleets moved in attack position.

"All Republic Warships, OPEN FIRE! Launch all fighters!" Yuleran ordered.

Meanwhile at the Separatist Fleet, they was getting ready to attack.

"Sir, the enemy is in range!" Said the Droid Captain.

"Fire, at will and launch fighters." The Droid Commander replied.

Both fleets started firing at each other and sent fighters. A few moments later, the Separatist sustained critical damage to their cruisers.

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