Chapter 18: Kidnapped

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A planet of peace! The artisan colony of the planet, Kiros, created a society without weapons. Instead of war, they pursued art and beauty. But in the Clone Wars, even peace-loving worlds are seemingly forced to change sides.

In the face of an imminent Separatist invasion, the Togrutan governor of Kiros decided to negotiate with Count Dooku for the welfare of his people, knowing that the assistance Yoda promised him will come too late. Upon landing, Dooku offered to transfer the Togrutan civilians into what he called "a temporary safe haven" while his forces battle the Republic army on the planet.

Consequently, when the Republic forces under the command of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and their Padawans, Ahsoka and Darrel, landed on the surface of Kiros and explored the colony. Anakin commandeered a speeder with a side car on the right hand side, Ahsoka sat in the side car provided. Darrel got on a regular speeder, then Obi-Wan got on a speeder with a side car, Captain Rex sat in the side car. Then they drove their speeders into the city, along with muitple Clone Troopers on speeder bikes. As they were driving, Ahsoka noticed that there wasn't any Togrutan colonists to be seen.

"Anybody else think it's too quiet? I haven't seen any colonists." Ahsoka said.

"Same here, any ideas where they can be?" Darrel asked.

"They're probably hiding." Anakin assumed.

"Let's hope they stay hidden. It makes our job easier if we don't have to worry about them in battle." Obi-Wan replied.

"I don't like it. The droids have never been shy about using civilians as living shields." Rex said.

"I'm sure they're here somewhere. Let's make for the city center." Anakin said.

While they were heading to the city center, Commando Droids with speeder bikes were up ahead.

"Biker droids, dead ahead!" Ahsoka said.

"Squad, tighten up! Form on me!" Anakin said.

The Clone squad formed around Anakin as the biker droids charged at them and started shooting at the squad. Ahsoka then stood up from her seat while igniting her blades to deflect the incoming fire from hitting her and Anakin. Darrel ignited his lightsaber and threw it at a biker droid's speeder, causing the droid to crash, then Darrel use the force to call his lightsaber back to him.
Anakin then ignited his blade and started cutting down the incoming biker droids one by one, but now what was left of the droids were now chasing them.

Ahsoka then jump back into her side car and used the turret on it to shoot the rest of the droids taking some of them down as one got next to her, and she jump on the droid's bike and cuts it down and gets back on her speeder, as the Clones finished off the rest of the biker droids.

"We're all clear, Master." Ahsoka said.

Soon the sqaud entered the city center only to run into more droids, the squad started firing at the droids, then Rex took out a missile launcher and shot a missile at one of the AATs (Armored Assault Tank) destroying it along with a few droids that was in front of the tank.

Ahsoka then jumped from her seat to the another AAT with a Thermal Detonator in her hand, and threw it into the main hatch of the tank, then she jumped back on back into her side car as the tank exploded.

"Captain, have your men secure the area." Obi-Wan said.

"Yes, General." Rex replied.

Later the squad returned to confirm that the area was secure, especially the Governor's tower which served as the headquarters of the Separatist occupation force's commander, the Zygerrian, Darts D'Nar. Commander Cody came from the tower to speak with Obi-Wan about D'Nar.

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