Chapter 34: The Wrong Jedi

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Ahsoka Tano captured! While on the run to prove her innocence, Padawan Tano teamed up with the deadly Asajj Ventress to find the rogue Jedi who framed Ahsoka for murder. The Jedi Council sent Anakin Skywalker, Darrel Pullie and Master Plo Koon to track Ahsoka down and bring her back to the Temple. Now captured and imprisoned, Ahsoka faces punishment for crimes she did not commit...

Meanwhile in the Jedi Council, Admiral Tarkin contacts the council via hologram to inform of the Senate's demands on Ahsoka.

"The Senate requests that Ahsoka Tano be indicted for acts of treason against the Republic." Tarkin said.

"A fair trial Padawan Tano will have in accordance with Jedi tradition." Yoda replied.

"Ah, yes, Jedi tradition. I'm afraid, Master Yoda, that the Senate believes that an internal Jedi trial would seem biased. Therefore, the Senate asks that the Council expel Ahsoka Tano from the Jedi Order so that she may be put to a Republic Military tribunal, where she will receive more impartial judgment." Tarkin said.

"And who would represent Ahsoka in this tribunal, Admiral?" Obi-Wan asked.

"That would be up to the Council, General, but I would recommend someone outside the Order." Tarkin replied.

"Of course." Obi-Wan said.

"The Council will act as they deem necessary. Thank you, Admiral." Mace said.

Tarkin nodded in acknowledgment as his hologram faded away.

"Surely we cannot do what Tarkin suggests." Obi-Wan said.

"We need to stand together with Ahsoka." Darrel said.

"And yet there's evidence that she is indeed the mastermind behind the attack on the Temple." Ki-Adi replied.

"She was found in possession of nano-droid explosives. This alone is enough to convict her." Saesee said.

"I understand your sentiment, Obi-Wan, even yours, Darrel. But if the Council does as you suggest, it could be seen as an act of opposition to the Senate." Mace said.

"I'm afraid we have little choice, then." Darrel said.

"Hmm. To the Chamber of Judgment, summon Skywalker and his Padawan, and in our decision, may the force guide us." Yoda said.

"Permission to accompany them?" Darrel asked.

Yoda nodded in approval, then Darrel left the Council Chambers.

Later in the Chamber of Judgement, Darrel entered the room to see Anakin and Darrel inside, along with multiple Temple Guards. Darrel sat next to Ahsoka as Anakin was pasting.

"You're not helping." Ahsoka said.

Anakin sighed and sat next to Ahsoka.

"I'm sorry, Snips. I just--I just don't know what to do." Anakin said.

"It's okay. I don't either." 
Ahsoka replied.

Then a small buzz went off in the chamber, then two Temple Guards escorted Ahsoka in the middle of the room, Anakin and Darrel went with Ahsoka. Then the ceiling opened, and two platforms in the middle of the room where the Jedi were standing rose up. A hatch opened in the ceiling as the platform went through it leading to another room. Anakin and Darrel stopped and Ahsoka's platform stopped to see a few members of the Jedi Council.

"Padawan Tano, serious charges have been levied against you." Yoda said. "How plead do you?"

"Not guilty, Master." Ahsoka replied. "I would never take the lives of innocents. The values of the Jedi are sacred to me. I believe in compassion, and reframe from anger and aggression. I am Jedi to my very core."

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