Chapter 36: Visiting Barriss

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When Darrel returned to Coruscant, he went back to the Jedi Temple. He was in the Jedi Archives, reading holobooks. Then, the librarian of the archives, Jocasta Nu, approached Darrel and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Good afternoon, young one." Jocasta said.

Darrel turned around to look at Jocasta and smiled at her.

"Hello, Jocasta." Darrel replied.

"I've come to tell you that your presence is requested by the Jedi Council." Jocasta said.

Darrel nodded and smiled at Jocasta as he began to leave the archives, when Darrel arrived at the council chambers, he went in the middle of the room and greeted the members.

"You summoned me, masters?" Darrel asked.

"We have someone that wishes to speak to you, Darrel." Ki-Adi said.

Then a hologram of Admiral Tarkin appeared in front of Darrel.

"Commander Pullie, I have news to tell you and the council." Tarkin said.

"I'm all ears, Admiral." Darrel replied.

"Firstly, prisoner Barriss Offee has requested your presence." Tarkin said.

"Why is she requesting me?" Darrel asked.

"She didn't say." Tarkin replied. "And secondly, Chancellor Palpatine wanted to promote you from Commander to General, since you are now a Jedi Knight."

Darrel gasped in surprise, he was finally a Jedi General. It was an amazing honor for him.

"Thank you, Admiral. This is an honor, truly it is." Darrel said.

"You're welcome, General Pullie." Tarkin said. "I shall see you at the military base to see prisoner Offee. A gunship is on it's way at the Temple to pick you up."

Then Tarkin's hologram faded away, and Darrel bowed in respect to the council members and left the council chambers. As Darrel arrived at the temple enterance and awaited a gunship's arrival, he took out his lightsaber and looked at it, he smiled.

Darrel's POV

First I'm promoted to Jedi Knight, now I'm promoted to Jedi General. I feel so accomplished, next stop will becoming a Jedi Master! But, honestly, things haven't been the same without Ahsoka being at the Jedi Temple. I wonder if she would have been promoted to Jedi Knight, too. Well, she's no longer a Jedi, she decided a middle road. And I respect that.

Then a Republic Gunship landed at the enterance of the Temple, Darrel put his lightsaber back on his belt and approached the gunship. The gunship doors opened and Darrel boarded the ship, then the gunship took off and flew to the Republic Military Base. Moments later when the gunship arrived at the military base, Darrel left the gunship and entered the building. Once Darrel arrived the prison block, he approached the control room window to see Captain Rex inside, along with a few Clone Troopers.

"General Pullie." Rex said.

"Greetings, Rex. Prisoner Barriss Offee requested to see me." Darrel said.

"Very well, please leave your comlink and lightsaber here." Rex said.

Then a drawer came out in front of Darrel, and he put his comlink and lightsaber inside. Then Rex came out and escorted Darrel to Barriss' cell. The Jedi and the Clone Captain walked in silence.

"I knew that Commander Tano was innocent. I've watched her grow from a little kid into the most capable woman I've ever had the pleasure a serving with." Rex said.

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