Chapter 30: A Necessary Bond

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Pursued by pirates! While on a rite of passage, six Jedi younglings, Darrel Pullie, and Ahsoka Tano are ambushed. Protecting the young Jedi, Ahsoka was captured by the nefarious Hondo Ohnaka and taken to the planet Florrum. Marshalling their courage and training, the younglings and Darrel infiltrated the pirate stronghold and rescued Ahsoka. Now we find our heroes in a race to their starship, with the pirates closing in...

Ahsoka, Darrel and youngling haste to return to the Crucible, with a team of Hondo's Weequay pirates inside a speeder tank in hot pursuit. Inside of the tank, Ahsoka was driving the tank, attempting the lose the pirates.

"They're gaining on us!" Petro cried.

Darrel and the younglings went inside the tank and took off their circus outfits.

"Uh, I think they're still upset that we tricked them." Katooni said.

"They'll get over it once we're off their planet." Petro said.

The pirates took their tank gun and hit the commandeered tank, causing it to shake.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Ahsoka said.

"Petro, contact Ganodi and Huyang. We need a quick evac." Darrel ordered.

Petro nodded and took out his comlink and contacted Ganodi.

"Ganodi, we need a quick evac. Come in, please." Petro said.

There was no response.

"Maybe the pirates are jamming the signal." Zatt said.

"Where could she be?" Katooni asked.

Petro attenpted to contact Ganodi again.

"Ganodi. Huyang. Come in." Petro said.

Meanwhile on the Crucible, Ganodi, Huyang, and R2 enter the cockpit. Huyang's head was reattached, however, his arms remained unattached.

"Attaching your head took a lot longer than I thought it would." Ganodi said.

"It is appreciated, youngling. Mobility is paramount, especially in an emergency." Huyang said.

Ganodi heard her comlink beep, she clicked it to answer the incoming call.

"Ganodi, where are you?" Petro asked.

"I'm here. I was in the back fixing Huyang." Ganodi replied.

"Great. That's great. But we're all gonna need repairs if you don't have the engines running!" Petro cried.

"Where are you?" Ganodi asked.

Ahsoka took the comlink from Petro so she could fill Ganodi in quickly.

"Ganodi, it's Ahsoka." Ahsoka said.

"Padawan Tano! We've rescued you." Ganodi said in amazement.

"Almost. But we need you to get us home." Ahsoka said.

"Just tell me what I need to do." Ganodi said.

"Okay, fire up the engines and head to these coordinates. I'm sending them to you now." Ahsoka said.

A set of coordinates appeared on the Crucible's navi-computer, Ganodi locked onto them and powered up the ship.

"We'll be right there." Ganodi said.

R2 took control of the ship and flew to where the group was. Soon, they found them being pursued by the pirates.

"There they are!" Ganodi said.

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