Chapter 27: The Gathering

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As the Clone War scorches its destructive path across the galaxy, it is the Jedi who bring order to the chaos. Though as the war progresses, the number of Jedi have declined, and new younglings are harder to find. When a youngling is located, they are brought to the Jedi Temple and learn quickly that their true family is now the Jedi Order.

The trials are hard. Tests must be passed. But none is as important as The Gathering. It is then that a Jedi's path will truly begin....

Ahsoka and Darrel were tasked with escorting the newest class of prospective youngling graduates to The Gathering, is awaiting her charges at the boarding ramp of the ship which is to ferry them to their graduation test: Petro, a male human; Katooni, a male Tholothian; Byph, a male Ithorian; Ganodi, a female Rodian; Zatt, a male Nautolan; and Gungi, a male Wookiee. Their task was to find the crystals for their own lightsabers in the Crystal Caves on Ilum, the most sacred place of the Jedi.

"You have proved to be the top of your class. And so now is the time of The Gathering." Ahsoka said.

"For a Jedi, there is no greater challenge or honor." Darrel said.

"What is The Gathering, Padawan Tano?" Petro asked.

"Petro, Ganodi, Byph, Katooni, Zatt, and Gungi, the time has come for you to build your own lightsabers." Ahsoka said as she presented one of her lightsabers to the children.

The younglings cheered.

"I knew it. That's so wizard." Petro said.

"Be warned: this is no simple task, and many perils lie ahead of you. Where we are going, there is no place more sacred to the Jedi." Ahsoka said.

"Where exactly going, Padawan Tano?" Katooni asked.

"We're going to a planet called Ilum. It's going to be very cold. So there should enough coats for you guys on the ship." Darrel replied.

"Let's get going." Ahsoka said.

The Padawans and the younglings entered the ship, the younglings fastened their life restraints as Ahsoka went up to the cockpit, along with R2-D2. Darrel stayed with the younglings.

"We didn't catch your name." Zatt said.

"My name is Darrel." Darrel replied.

"Darrel, why are we going to Ilum?" Ganodi asked.

"That is where you will all find your crystals for your lightsabers." Darrel replied.

The younglings cheered in happiness.

"Can you tell us the time when you got your crystal?" Petro asked.

"That's a good story I should tell later, Petro." Darrel replied.

Then the ship took out and left Coruscant. Once in space, the ship went into hyperspace. Later, the ship came out of hyperspace, and landed on Ilum. Ilum was a cold, and snowy planet. Ahsoka, Darrel, and the younglings came out of the ship with coats on. They walked towards an ice door.

"Not the most hospitable place." Katooni said.

"I think that's the point." Petro replied.

The group finally reached the ice wall.

"It's a dead end." Zatt said.

Ahsoka smiled and looked back at the younglings.

"Younglings, outstretch your hands and focus the Force. Together, and only together, can we enter." Ahsoka said.

Ahsoka, Darrel, and the younglings concentrated on the door, soon the ice door slowly opened. Then there was a passage ahead into the Crystal Cave.

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