Chapter 13: Date at Dex's Diner

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A few days passed after the skirmish on Wasskah, and being returned to the Jedi Temple, Anakin and the Padawans are summoned to the Jedi Council to commend the Padawans on surviving the hostile environment on Wasskah. The three Jedi enter the Council Chambers and saw all the members sitting down. Anakin, and the Padawans stood in the middle of the room to look at Yoda.

"Welcome back, Padawans. Proud we are of you both." Yoda said.

"Thank you, Master." The Padawans replied.

"And we have seen that you have found two Jedi Younglings on Wasskah. That is good news." Mace said.

"There was another one, but she didn't make it." Ahsoka said as she looked down in sadness.

"One with the Force, she is." Yoda replied.

"She will be missed." Plo said.

"And now onto more pressing matters." Obi-Wan said.

"To Mon Calamari you must go, Skywalker." Yoda said.

"The ruler of Mon Calamari, King Kolina, has been found dead in his throne room."

"Now the fragile peace between the Mon Calamarian and the Quarren race is starting to collapse, centering on the argument that the king's son, Prince Lee-Char , is too young, and inexperienced to maintain the tenuous co-existence between the two races." Ki-Adi said.

"Also, the Quarren people has requested an ambassador of the Separatists, named Riff Tamson, a Karkarodon species, to try to help the Quarren."
Obi-Wan said.

"The Separatist ambassador is just going to stir up the Quarren race, then they may declare war on the Mon Calamarian people." Darrel said.

"Presicley! So, Captain Ackbar, the representative of the Mon Calamarian people, has requested our assistance." Mace said.

"Senator Amidala will accompany to you to Mon Calamari to negotiate, Anakin. You shall leave immediately." Obi-Wan said.

Anakin nodded in agreement.

"I've never been to Mon Calamari." Ahsoka said.

"Neither have I." Darrel said.

"For the time being, stay here, you both will." Yoda replied.

Ahsoka and Darrel looked disappointed but they both bowed in respect.

"Yes, Master." The Padawans said.

Then, the three Jedi left the Council Chambers and starting headed to the hanger.

"Good luck, Master." Ahsoka said.

"Don't worry, Ahsoka. This mission shouldn't take long." Anakin replied with a smirk on his face.

Ahsoka and Darrel giggled at Anakin. Then a Republic Transport landed on the landing platform, the landing ramp opened. Senator Amidala was on the ship waiting for Anakin. He ran to the transport and looked back at the Padawans.

"Stay out of trouble!" Anakin said.

The Padawans nodded as they watched the transport depart. Then the Padawans went up to the temple garden, sitting by the tree.

"I'm bored, aren't you?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yes, I am." Darrel replied. "Any suggestions of what we should do?" Darrel asked.

Ahsoka smirked and pinned Darel to the ground, Darrel giggled as he looked into Ahsoka's beautiful blue eyes. The two Padawans giggled and smiled at each other, then it all went silent, Ahsoka leaned towards Darrel's lip and kissed him. Darrel kissed her back passionately, Ahsoka put her arms around Darrel's body and deepened the kiss, then she bit Darrel's lip. Darrel blushed and smiled at Ahsoka. The two Padawans then pulled away from each other's lips.

"Are you hungry, Ahsoka?" Darrel asked.

"Yes, I am. Where should we go to eat?" Ahsoka replied.

"Let's go to Dex's Diner, he always making good food at this hour." Darrel suggested.

Ahsoka nodded in agreement, then the Padawans stood up from the ground and left the garden. They went to the hanger and hopped aboard a speeder, then they left the hanger. Later, down in the streets of Coruscant, the Padawans arrived at Dex's Diner, Darrel parked the speeder in the lot. Darrel and Ahsoka got off the speeder and entered Dex's Diner. Darrel and Ahsoka sat down at table, then a female droid named WA-7, she was also known as FLO, she came to the Padawan's table to greet them.

"Good afternoon, children." FLO said.

"Good afternoon." The Padawans replied.

FLO pointed the menus located on the Padawan's table.

"Just take a look at our menu, and when you're ready to order, please let me know." FLO said.

"One more thing, can you ask Dex to come to our table?" Darrel asked.

Flo nodded and walked away. Ahsoka and Darrel started looking at the menus, there was plenty of great food choices on the menu. Then a Besalisk alien species came over to the Padawan's table, he was big, he was brown, a four armed alien, and he was wearing a cook uniform, it was Dex. Darrel smiled and stood up from his table, and shook his hand,

"Hey! Good to see you again, Dex!" Darrel said.

"It's good to see you too, Darrel. It's been a damn long time." Dex replied.

Dex looked over at Ahsoka and smiled at he, Ahsoka raised an eyebrow and smiled back.

"Dex, this is my best friend, Ahsoka Tano." Darrel said as he gestured over to Ahsoka.

"Nice to meet you, young one." Dex said.

"Likewise, Dex." Ahsoka replied.

FLO came back over to the table, the Padawan's gave their menus to her.

"Did you decide what you wanted to eat?" FLO asked.

"I'll take the Quor'sav-fried steak, with a cup of Jawa Juice." Darrel said.

"I'll have the Fried Endorian Chicken, with Jawa Juice, please." Ahsoka said.

"Alright, I'm on it!" FLO said as she walked away.

"By the way, it's on the house." Dex said.

"Thank you, old friend." Darrel said.

"So, how goes the war?" Dex asked.

"It has it's moments." Ahsoka replied.

FLO returned with the plates of food, one for Darrel, and the other for Ahsoka. Dex left the Padawans to eat. The Padawans started eating their food, the food was very hot and tender.

"I love the Endorian Chicken, it tastes great." Ahsoka said.

"I love the Quor'Sav fried steak!" Darrel said.

Ahsoka smiled and lifted her glass.

"To victory, and an end to the war." Ahsoka said.

"To peace." Darrel said.

The Padawans softy made their toast and sat back down. After the Padawans finished eating, their comlinks were beeping. Darrel clicked his first.

"Padawan Darrel, we need you and Padawan Tano to return to the Jedi Temple, effective immediately." Master Fisto said.

"Understood, we're on our way, Master." Darrel replied.

The Padawans left a tip for Dex and headed back to the Jedi Temple.

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