Chapter 37: Orders

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The next day after Darrel's conversation with Yoda, Darrel was in his room talking to Ahsoka via hologram about his conversation with Barriss yesterday.

"Barriss believed that the Republic and the Jedi Order was breaking apart. She said that she needed to get out a message to them somehow." Darrel said.

"By bombing the Temple hanger?" Ahsoka asked.

"I guess so." Darrel replied.

"She could've tried to explain her beliefs in a less viloent way, she could've talk to someone." Ahsoka said.

"Barriss told me that she tried talking to Master Luminara about her troubled feelings about the Jedi, however, Luminara kept telling Barriss that she was incorrect." Darrel replied.

Ahsoka and Darrel both sighed and inhaled sharply.

"Did she say anything else?" Ahsoka asked.

"She asked if you were back in the Jedi Order." Darrel replied.

"And what did you tell her?" Ahsoka asked.

"I told her that you chose a middle road in life, and decided not to be a Jedi." Darrel replied.

Ahsoka slightly smiled and sighed.

"Things aren't really the same without you here, Ahsoka." Darrel said.

"At least you can come see me whenever you can." Ahsoka replied.

Darrel nodded and smiled at Ahsoka as he saw her blow a kiss at him, Darrel blushed and did the same.

"Be safe out there." Ahsoka said.

"I will." Darrel said.

Then Ahsoka's hologram faded away, Darrel sighed and opened the door to his door to see Anakin on the other side.

"Anakin, what is it?" Darrel asked.

"We're needed in the War Room, the Council received a report from Chancellor Palpatine." Anakin replied.

Darrel nodded and stepped out of his room and closed the door, and ran to the War Room with Anakin. Once they arrived in the War Room, they were greeted by Master Yoda, Master Windu, and Master Shaak Ti.

"You summoned us?" Anakin asked.

Shaak nodded and turned on the holographic projector, then two hologram figures appeared on the projector. The first hologram figure was Arc Trooper Fives, and the other hologram was Chancellor Palpatine on the ground in fear.

"We've received a report from the Chancellor that Arc Trooper Fives went mad and tried to assassinate him. Master Shaak Ti was at the scene and chased down until Fives escaped." Mace said.

"I can't believe Fives would try to assassinate the Chancellor." Anakin said in disappointment.

"The Kaminoan chief medical scientist, Nala Se, feels a virus corrupted the clone's inhibitor chip, which has led to this behavior. ARC trooper Fives feels he is the victim of a plot, Separatist or otherwise." Shaak explained.

"What is an inhibitor chip, Master Ti?" Darrel asked.

"Nala Se says the inhibitor chips are to make the clones less aggressive, and more compliant to orders." Shaak replied.

"All security and clone forces on Coruscant have been ordered to join the manhunt. The Chancellor has been moved to his Senate quarters, and the perimeter has been secured. However, Jedi involvement has not been requested." Mace said.

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