Chapter 31: Sabotage

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Invasion! The planet Cato Neimoidia is under Separatist attack. Anakin Skywalker and the Padawans, Ahsoka Tano, and Darrel Pullie, rush to the rescue as they lead a squadron of starfighters to the planet below....

As the Jedi lead their starfighters and gunships down to the planet, they were approaching the Cato Neimoidia's atmosphere.

"Ahsoka, Darrel, punch a hole for the gunships to get through." Anakin ordered.

"We know the drill, Master." Ahsoka replied.

As the squadron entered the planet, Vulture Droids and Droid Tri-Fighters emerged from the Separatist Crusiers on the planet. The Tri-Fighters flew past the Republic Squadron and came up behind them, and the Tri-Fighters shot down a few Repubic Starfighters. Then one of the Tri-Fighters launched two missiles at the Jedi Starfighters.

"Look out, incoming missiles!" Ahsoka yelled.

The Jedi pulled up their starfighters to evade the missiles. The missiles flew past the starfighters and exploded. But then, Buzz Droids came out of the missiles, they landed on Anakin's ship.

"Uh slight problem." Anakin said.

The Buzz Droids popped open and start to drill in Anakin's ship.

"Ahsoka, Darrel, I've got buzz droids. How bad did you guys get hit?" Anakin asked.

"We're all clear." Ahsoka replied.

"What? You two always have it easy." Anakin said.

Anakin used the force to push the Buzz Droids off his ship in frustration.

"Someday these droids will learn they keep messing with the wrong Jedi!" Anakin said.

Then a Buzz Droid drilled beneath Anakin's starfighter and casued it to trail smoke and malfunction.

"You're trailing smoke. What's wrong?" Ahsoka asked.

"Oh, nothing serious. Just a small malfunction--" Anakin said.

Then he was knocked out by a powerful shock from his damaged starfighter leaving R2 in control of the ship. The Padawans lost contact with Anakin after the

"Master? Master, come in." Ahsoka said.

Darrel contacted R2 to see what was going on with Anakin.

"Artoo, what's going on over there? What happened to Anakin?" Darrel asked.

R2 reported that Anakin was unconscious.

"Unconscious?" Ahsoka asked. "Fly back to the cruiser."

R2 informs the Padawans that there was a problem with the engines.

"What do you mean there's something wrong with the engines?" Ahsoka asked. "Tip your wing. I'll see how bad it is."

R2 tipped the starfighter's wing, Ahsoka and Darrel saw multiple Buzz Droids on the bottom of Anakin's ship.

"Oh, that's not good." Ahsoka said.

R2 asked how bad the damage was.

"Let's just say now would be a good time to land." Ahsoka replied.

"Good idea." Darrel said.

The Padawans flew their starfighters to a nearby cliff ledge, R2 followed the Padawans there.

"Artoo, can you land the ship on that cliff ledge?" Ahsoka asked.

R2 informed Ahsoka that the landing zone on the cliff ledge was to short.

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