Chapter 16: Prisoners

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A last gasp of hope! After the assassination of his father and the fall of his kingdom beneath a planetary civil war, Mon Cala Prince Lee-Char has gone into hiding with Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and Darrel Pullie as his only protectors. With his armies captured and friends imprisoned, the situation seems hopeless for the prince. Count Dooku commands his sinister agent Riff Tamson to use any means necessary to bring Prince Lee-Char out of hiding, for he knows that hope does remain as long as the prince is alive. Meanwhile, in the depths of Mon Calamari,
Lee-Char, and his Jedi protectors were hiding to evade droid and Quarren patrols.

"We can't hide forever." Lee-Char said.

"The Gungan Army was the last of the Republic's reinforcements. There won't be any more." Ahsoka said.

"So we're on our own." Darrel said.

"The failure is mine, not the Republic's." Lee-Char replied.

"No, you shouldn't blame yourself, Your Majesty." Darrel said.

"He's right, none of this is your fault, Lee-Char." Ahsoka said.

"If my father were here, he could unite with Nossor Ri and the Quarren. The Quarren and Mon Calamarians have always had a difficult relationship, but it was respectful, until Riff Tamson arrived. Once that Karkarodon got inside Nossor Ri's head the alliance between the Mon Cala and the Quarren fell apart." Lee-Char said.

"Well, we have to do something." Darrel said.

"I know what I must do. The Mon Cala and Quarren people must be reunited." Lee-Char replied.

"Okay. I like your thinking, but what's the strategy?" Ahsoka asked.

"Count all the prisoners, Mon Cala, Gungans, Clones. If we all fought together we would outnumber the droid army." Lee-Char replied.

"Let's hope your plan works." Darrel said.

"But if this is going to work, we'll need to let your people know, Your Highness. They'll have to be ready to fight." Ahsoka said.

"We need Captain Ackbar and I think I know where to find him." Lee-Char said.

"And where would that be?" Darrel asked.

"The prison camp. Follow me!" Lee-Char replied.

Lee-Char and the Padawans followed a column of prisoners to an underwater cave used as a prison camp. The Mon Calamarian people and soliders watched Lee-Char swim past them, they smiled knowing that there was still hope knowing that the Prince was still alive. Then the Prince and the Padawans found Ackbar resting on Senator Till's leg.

"You're alive. Captain, you were right." Tills said.

Ackbar woke up to see Lee-Char and the Jedi Padawans.

"Prince, I knew you would survive the battle." Ackbar said.

"Captain, I need your help. I have a plan. I know how we can win this fight."

"But the battle is over, young Prince. And it appears that we have lost." Ackbar said in disappointment.

"No. In truth, we now outnumber our enemy. We can overwhelm them." Lee-Char said.

"But we are prisoners. If we revolted, thousands would die." Tills said.

"Not if the Quarren struck first and aided in our attack." Lee-Char said.

"Prince, how can you say this? The Quarren betrayed us. They assassinated your father!" Ackbar yelled.

"No, Captain, Riff Tamson murdered my father. Of that, I am sure." Lee-Char replied.

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