Chapter 26: Tipping Points

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War in the Inner Rim! Rebel leader Steela Gerrera has joined forces with General Tandin after boldly rescuing Onderon's former king from execution, evading a trap set by Separatist ally King Rash and the droid general Kalani. Amid growing public support and rising unrest, Ahsoka continues to monitor the rebels' efforts as they rally around Ramsis Dendup to restore his reign as the rightful king and finally put an end to the Separatist occupation of Onderon...

To prepare for the upcoming battle, Ahsoka and Darrel sneaked into the capital city of Iziz, where Ahsoka deposited a holographic communicator in the midst of Yolahn Square. The two Padawans left the area and hid in a nearby alley. A Battle Droid squad noticed the device on the ground, one of the droids approched the device for a closer look, then a huge hologram appeared of King Dendup. The civilians looked at the hologram as the Padawans were climbing onto a rooftop, there was Onderon jungle flying animal waiting for them. As they hopped onto the animal, Dendup's message started playing below.

"My fellow subjects, I appear not as your king but as a servant of Onderon. We are in the midst of a great struggle. The Confederacy has used the recent attacks as an opportunity to tighten their hold on Onderon. They have accused me of leading these so-called terrorists. It is a lie they have engineered to further restrict your independence and use deadly force against our people. The truth is, I have never met them before now. I have come to know them as the true sons of Onderon. They are unwilling to surrender our freedom to those who conspire to take it from us. Our destiny is tied to them and this planet. We must all rise together to protect it."

Then Dendup's hologram image faded, and Darrel and Ahsoka left Iziz. Soon, the Padawans arrived at the rebel's new base in the Onderon Highlands. Darrel and Ahsoka got off the jungle and walked towards Saw and Steela, then Lux came back from Iziz as well with an excited look on his face.

"The people are turning against the droids. There's rioting in the streets now." Lux said.

"That's a beautiful thing." Saw replied.

"We need to keep the battle to the outskirts of the city." Steela said.

"Less structures and people." Lux said.

"But less clankers. Their main force is in Iziz. We should join the fight down there and take it straight to King Rash." Saw said.

"We all want victory, but not at the cost of innocent lives. If we fight door to door, no one is safe." Steela said.

"This is war, Steela!" Saw argued.

"She's right." Dendup said as he stepped forward.

"I agree. The more you draw the droids from the city to the highlands, the safer the people will be." Ahsoka said.

Tandin approached Dendup and bowed in respect.

"My men await your command, my Lord." Tandin said.

"I believe there's a new contender." Dendup said as he looked at Steela and walked up to her. "You will lead our forces, including the Royal Army. Steela is now the commanding general!"

"A great choice." Ahsoka said.

"Indeed, her leadership skills are most impressive." Darrel said.

"You and your rebels renewed my faith in myself, Steela. Now I'm putting my faith in you." Dendup said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Steela said.

Lux was about to hop on his flying beast, but before he could, Steela pulled Lux in for a kiss, then she quickly pulled back. Lux blushed and smiled at Steela. Then they both got on Lux's beast, and left the area. So did the rest of the group, leaving Dendup, two royal guards, and a few rebels to protect the highland base.

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