So Special

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'See we don't even fuck no more we make love, and now she's on the tip of my tongue my taste buds'

It's been two weeks since the burning of the police station, it was all over the news the next morning and it's still the talk of the city.

Everybody been acting normal not drawing no extra attention to ourselves until everything blow over.
The police haven't been fucking with me lately so I think everything they had on me went burning to the ground right with the police station.

"Pass the blunt with yo non smoking ass" I snatch the blunt out of raven hand as she coughs up a lung making me laugh.

I take a long drag off the blunt before patting her back.

"You bool? you turning red and shit" I laugh as she finally stops coughing, sliding her shirt back on.

"Yea I'm alright let me hit it again"

I raise my eyebrow looking at her with a goofy smile plastered on my face.

"Is you sure" I question still smiling goofly.

She smacks her lips snatching the blunt out my hand before taking a long drag from the blunt French inhaling the smoke.

She blew the smoke out her mouth looking at me with a smirk on her face.

"You think you the shit now huh" I shake my head smiling as she hit the blunt again repeating her actions.

She passes it to me sitting back in her seat getting comfortable. I hit the blunt again wiping my foggy window before looking in my rear view mirror checking my surroundings.

Bringing the blunt up to my lips I took a long drag as raven bust out laughing.

"Man don't start tweaking" I shake my head looking at her gasp for breath between giggles.

I hit the now roach one more time before rolling down my window flicking it on the concrete before rolling the window back up.

"This clothing brand you been wearing lately been having you looking like a snack" She bit her lip looking me up and down.

"This that supreme shit" I smirk.

I check my rear view mirror again seeing an all black charger parked right behind us. I clutch the glock I had inbetween my seat keeping my eyes focused on the charger.

"Who is that watching us in that car" Raven asks wiping her window.

"They watching us but I'm strapped in this truck let em play it's going down"

A couple minutes later they pull off but I still held the gun in my hand a couple seconds longer just incase they was on some slick shit

I start up the truck pulling off from the block.

"I can't believe I was just in the hood" Raven gushes in excitement making me laugh.

"You too happy" I smile shaking my head.

"I never experienced something like that" She expresses with a serious look on her face.

"You never left the car" I laugh

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