Chapter 5

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"So are you ever gonna tell me about that notebook?"

I look up at Sans from my place on the floor. He was kicking his legs back and forth slightly which were dangling off the side of the bed.

"Why do you keep asking about it?"

He shrugs, "Just curious."

"Well stop. I already told you what I was writing in there, you don't need to know anything else."

"Why not?"

I turn my attention to my book again, "Cause for the twelfth time: it's none of your business."

He flops back onto the bed, "Why do you have so many secrets?"

I stiffen and lie cooly, "I don't. Just this one."

Sans sits up again and brings his legs onto the bed, crossing them, "So why can't I know?"

I raise a brow, "...Cause I don't like you?" I tell him in more of a question. Because honestly, I don't know if I hate him anymore. He's just annoying.

"Why do you push?" I ask

"Why do you hide?" He replies.


A playful smirk tugs at his mouth and I only frown. I hid the book in a better place than the spot between my wall and bed. When I went into the restroom, I was looking for some toilet paper and I couldn't find some so I took everything out from the bottom cabinet and eventually found some behind the pipe that snaked down from the sink. Then an idea cam to mind: I could hide my notebook here. And so I did. I think it's fool-proof since Sans has no reason to be that far back in the cabinet. 

I just flip the page in my book, wanting to see if the character ends up surviving the spell casted upon him. 

"Wanna go out?" 

I jerk my head to his direction, "Huh!?" I say a little too loudly, the blood rushing to my face. The white lights in his sockets roll once, "Outside. You wanna go outside? It's a beautiful day. Birds are singing, flowers are bloo-" 

I throw my book at him, causing him to stop his poetic blabbering. He rubs between his eyes, "I just told you that I only have one HP." I just shrug and scoot over to my still-unpacked suitcase and find my shoes. "Where will we go?" I ask. 

He points west, "To the boardwalk, they have some new stuff there, I heard." I raise a brow, "Isn't that a little far?" 

Sans hops off of the bed, putting on his blue sneakers, not even bothering to tie them, "I'm sure there's a bike in the garage." Maybe. 

We both walk down the steps, the house echoing with the creak of the wood, and head into the garage. Sans rummages through some tarps while I poke around in a corner. 

"Found something." 

I look over at Sans as he roughly pulls back a red tarp, revealing a...


"Is that a fucking scooter?" 

Sans chuckles, "Yeah. Have you found a bike or something?" I shake my head, "The only one I found was Frisk's" It was way too small for even one of us. Crap. The scooters our only option. 

"Do you even know how to function one of those?" I ask. He tries to pull out the scooter, grunting with every tug. He looks over at me, "A-A little help?" Oh, right. I move from my place and grab the other side of the scooter, careful not to damage it. 

"T-To answer your question... Maybe? It's l-like a- shit this is hard t-to get out- motorcycle right?" He points out. 

We're screwed. 

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