Chapter 7

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I flop back on my bed, panting dramatically as the textbook falls out of my lap and hits the floor with a hard thud. Sans chuckles and I could hear the snap of his book closing. " I think that's enough for one day."

I shoot my head up and glare, "one day?!" I exclaim. Sans grins and leans back on his hands, his feet kicking back and forth slightly. "Yup," he winks and laughs, "What you thought you were done?"

I kick myself up and dive for the textbook, furiously flipping through the pages, "There's more?!" Sans laughs at my panicked state and nods, "S'Right Buttercup." I groan at the nickname which causes him to snicker.

Ever since the night of the storm, Sans has lightened up a bit and has been a little more open. Maybe it was just us placing down our armor and showing the softer side of ourselves. Or maybe it was just me literally sobbing all over his shirt. One of the two.

But Sans has been a little more open about what he thinks and seems slightly happier. Heh, maybe having reoccurring nightmares did me some good after all. Sans is still a jerk sometimes but he quickly apologizes soon after. He even asks me if I'm okay when we wake up. At one point, he had told me that if I have a nightmare again and he doesn't wake up, then just wake him up and he can help me.

I know, it's weird right? Last week I had kicked him under the table and practically forced him to tutor me but now, he's willing to help me out. Least to say, it wasn't bad. The only thing that I do regret doing is having Sans tutor me on Physics. My head hurts and there are multiple papers strewn across the floor with equations scribbled on each of them.

Truth #29: I hate physics

Sans gets off the bed and walks over to me, stepping over the loose papers as if he was use to them. He stops and offers his hand, "Wanna go?"

I smile and take it and he pulls me off the floor. After the whole boardwalk incident, we stayed away for a day or two but I had ask if he wanted to go again. Long story short, our trips became more frequent and soon, a daily thing.

Sans pulls on his shoes as I shove all of the Physics crap under my bed, not even bothering to be neat. Maybe I've been hanging out with Sans too much. I let that slip in. Well, it's not like I have a choice. He is my roommate after all.

"Come on Buttercup. You take too long." I was about to ask how he got ready so fast when my eyes land on him untied shoes. I frown, what was I expecting? As for the nickname, when Sans had first started calling me 'Buttercup' I would constantly tell him to quit it. He wouldn't and it didn't stop the butterflies in my stomach every time he called me that.

We eventually head out and pull the scooter out of it's place in a corner and set off. I remember this one incident where the wind was so bad that Sans' jacket and shirt were flapping against my face so I readjusted my grip but my arms moved down too low and my hand came into contact with his spine. Sans jolted and the scooter skid to a stop carelessly, almost causing us to crash. When we calmed down, Sans looked over at me, a dark blush dusting his cheekbones and he tells me, "Kid, uh, don't-don't do that again."

We never talked about it again.

My face lays against Sans back(?) and I try to will the butterflies to stop fluttering. I decide to distract myself with the scenery.

Truth #30: It's better to go the boardwalk later in the evening because it's too hot in the middle of the day and the evening sun casts such a beautiful glow on the boardwalk.

Truth #31: I really like spending time with Sans.

Truth #32: When he's not in a crappy mood or trying to be irritable, he's actually really kind.

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