Chapter 10

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It's been a few days since our little "touchy-touchy" session. We were on our way to the boardwalk again and I quietly count down the days I have left here. Eight..ten..eleven..twelve. Twelve days left in Ebbot City. I'm a little hesitant to go. Don't get me wrong, I'll be more than happy to go back home, especially since there is a major job opportunity waiting for me there. But, I've grown a lot of close bonds here. 

I look up at Sans as we get off of the scooter, arriving at the boardwalk. Definitely one of the closest bonds I've had in a while. We make our way up the wooden ramp, by some Nice Cream on the way, and sit at our bench. Thankfully, there were no riots tonight so we could enjoy the evening in piece. 

The hairs on my neck stand up as I get this uncomfortable feeling, like someone was watching me. Shifting, I turn and look at the fortune-telling lady. Her eyes bore into mine as she lifts her finger subtlety, curling it towards her left. She wants us to come over and a weird feeling in my gut tells me to do so.

Truth #53: I was told that fortune telling and tarot cards were all fake. However, I've had a different view on them. They seemed pretty cool and I've always wanted to know my future and all of that

 I turn away and tap Sans' shoulder. He looks at me and raises a bone-brow.

"Can we go?" I ask, pointing to the lady. His pupils shift from me to her, then back to me again, "Really?" "Come on! It'll be fun!" I say, pulling his sleeve. He reluctantly gets up and lets me drag him. "kinda doesn't work if one doesn't have skin, Buttercup." I roll my eyes, "I'm sure she's got alternatives." 

We walk over to the booth and the lady smiles, wrinkles crinkling under her eyes, "Welcome, (Y/N),  Sans." We both exchange nervous glances. Well, looks like we don't have to do introductions. I pull out a chair and sit down, Sans following suit shortly after. The lady crosses her fingers in front of her as she closes her eyes and breathes deeply. 

"I understand why you have come to visit me today," she says, her eyes still closed. I look over at Sans and he shifts uncomfortably. "You two have a heavy situation to deal with, is that true?" She asks, opening one eye. Sans and I look at each other before nodding. She closes her eyes and exhales, "Well, I understand how much that house means to the both of you and I am willing to help." She says, opening both eyes and sitting back. 

I almost fall out of my chair as she said that. How does she know about the house? And how can she help us? Sans beats me to the question, looking at her skeptically, "And how can you do that?" He asks a little rudely. I kick his fibula and he sends me a sharp glare. 

The lady doesn't seem to mind as she smiles sweetly, "I can tell you the outcome of your situation." Wait...really? I was about to ask her when I felt a tug on my wrist. I look down and see that Sans has a firm grip. I try to pull away but he doesn't let go. 

"How?" He asks. The lady laughs a jolly laugh, straight from the pit of her belly and her heart. "My dear boy, I know everything. If you want proof, I will tell you something that no one knows." Sans' eyesockets narrow, "Shoot." He says. The lady smiles and leans forward, placing her elbows on the table and clasping her hands together. She then glance she at me and Sans catches on, "Whisper it." He says. They both lean closer and the lady hides her mouth behind her hand as she speaks into the place where Sans' ear would be. 

Slowly, Sans' eye sockets widen as the lights dim and dilate. A pained expression forms on his face as the lady finishes. When she does, Sans pulls back so quickly, I had to reach over and grab his chair so he didn't fall. 

"Sans! Are you okay? What happened?" I ask. He just shakes his head and as he finds his balance again and rubs his hands on his shorts. Could his hands even get sweaty? I turn to the lady and glare, "What did you tell him?!" 

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