Chapter 15

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I guess I've kept y'all waiting long enough ;)


My heartbeat pounds against my eardrums, my breathing labored. I can only stare at Sans' limp body. 


I scramble towards Sans, ignoring the stinging pain in my arm. I kneel beside him and pull him into my lap. He opens his sockets slowly, letting out a small groan. A relieved sigh escaped my lips and I thought that everything was going to be okay, that he just bumped the concrete. 

That was until I felt warm liquid run over my fingers. I snap my head up and see a stream of blood running down Sans forehead and cheek bones. Panic takes over me as I quickly remove his jacket with shaky fingers. I press one of the sleeves to the wound, praying that it would clot. But can monster wounds even clot? Hell, can they even bleed? 

My panicked state sends my brain into overdrive as I start to think up of the many different senarios this could go in. All of them terribly consequential. Then the world seems to dim a bit and something small floats above Sans. I pause for a bit and read it:

HP: 0.009 

My heart drops and I feel like I'm going to puke. Sans' sockets flutter as he tries to sit up. I push him back down, tears pricking my eyes. 

No no no no not again! I can't be responsible for another...

Sans reaches up to his head and runs his fingers over the blood, leaving two streaks right beside his left socket. He brings his fingers out in front of him, examining them before letting out an 'oh'.

I push his hand down and press his jacket to the wound, tears spilling out of my eyes. 

Stars, this cant happen. Not again! 

Pain flares up my arm when I place all of my wait on it to help me get it. Letting out a small whimper, I let it hang by my side as I run towards the start of the sidewalk. Unfortunately, no one was around. I whip around and squint to read Sans' meter again.

HP: 0.006

I let out a choked sob and scream into my hands. 


Tires screech next to me and I snap my attention to Toriel stopping her car, all three sibilngs in the back. She runs out of the car and reaches towards me, "My child what is-" I shove her back, "Sans! It's Sans! He need help! Please!" I plead, tears seeping into my mouth. 

Toriel runs over to where Sans lay. She unwraps his jacket and takes him in her arms before running towards me. "He needs medical attention, now." She states as she pushes me into the car. Frisk's worried expression fills me with despair. Did I really just kill their friend?

Toriel places Sans in the front with her while I squeeze in with the siblings and we drive off. I try to fight off the tears that threaten to spill again for the siblings sake, but Chara rubbing my back and Frisk leaning against my good arm weren't helping. 


"You're going to need stitches."

I pull back and hiss softly as the doctor presses the antiseptic wipe to my wound. Turns out, it was a bit more serious than I thought it was. I gulp as the nurse gently grabs my arm and continues to clean the wound. 

"How is Sans? Where is he?" I ask for the twelfth time in ten minutes. I'm suprised the nurse hasn't kicked me out yet. She throws away the bloody cloth and walks over to a cabinet and pulls out what looks like a first-aid kit. Oh, the irony. The door opens and my heart flutters as I turn, wishing it was Sans. I deflate when I see that it's not him, but a doctor. He flips through some papers from his clipboard, not acknowledging us at all. 

He finally places down the clipboard next to me and turns to the sink to wash his hands. I lean over and sneak a peek at the documents, but all I could find was something about food poisoning from an old Big Mac. I sigh and turn back just as the doctor and nurse walk up to me, the nurse holding a very long needle. 

I instinctively flinch back and she smiles. I don't know if she's trying to calm me down or she's happy that she gets to pierce the needle into me. I pray that it's not the latter. She takes my arm and I look away as something pinches my already tender skin before it all numbs. I feel a tugging on my skin and don't bother looking at them stitching me up. 

Once the sutures are done, they wrap a bandage tightly around my arm. The nurse gives me a loving pat on the bandage before walking to the sink. I bite my lip and turn to the doctor, "Do you know where Sans is and how he's doing?"

The doctor raises a brow, "Who?" 


I lean against the cartoon-like animal mural and finger the paper on the bed, making indentions with my nail. 

Suddenly, the door opens and I snap my head up. What I saw just about made me burst into tears again. 

The door is held open by Toriel as Asriel struggle to push the wheelchair with Sans seating on it, Frisk in his lap. His whole head was wrapped in a thick layer of bandages and I can see a small tint of pink where his wound was. Sans makes eye contact and he pulls up his hood, sending me a small smile. He was probably trying to hide how bad it was to refrain me from freaking out. 

It wasn't working one bit. 

Frisk hops off of his lap when Asriel finally manages to push Sans into the room-with a little help from Sans' magic. They run to the bed and climb on, ripping the paper in the process and bury their face into my chest. I smile and embrace them with my good arm. Frisk seems to relax a bit when I rub circles on their back. Chara hesitates before climbing onto the bed on the other side of me. They scoot closer to me, minding my arm, and rest their head on my lap. Asriel is the last to climb onto the bed next to Chara, swinging his legs back and forth over the side of the bed. 

I look at Sans and bite the inside of my cheek to keep me from breaking down, "Are you paralyzed?" I ask softly. His smile grows wider and he shakes his head, "Nah, they just wanted me to sit in here for a while in case I have a concussion or something like that." 

They want Sans, a skeleton, to sit in a wheelchair just in case he shows any signs of a concussion; a traumatic impact to the brain. The situation is almost comical. 

A huge sigh of relief escapes my lips and I relax a little. But that doesn't stop the guilt from nawing at my stomach. 

The room grows quiet, the only sounds are of the medical tools clinking against the sink as the nurse and doctor clean them. Finally, Sans breaks the silence. 

"Hey, uh, sorry for reading your notebook." I look over at him. In all of the chaos and panic, I had completely forgotten about that. I shake my head, "It's fine." But was it really. 

Sans' brow-bones crease, "No it's not. I meant to only read a page, really. But.." he trails off. I nod in understanding, hoping that he would keep quiet. 

However, that's not the case. 

"(Y/N). I want to clear things up and and make sure that what I had read was correct."  

Frisk's hands tighten on my shirt and Chara shifts so that they could see me. I swallow as he continues."

"(Y/N) did your parents really die?" 

Boy, I'm really an asshole aren't I? Presenting, ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER MWAHAHAHAHAAH

But Sans is alive so you can't get mad at me. 

Kudos to you! *throws confetti*

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