Chapter 6

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The wind howls outside, the trees slamming against my window. I bury myself into my blanket, Bailey nudging her nose against the fabric to get under as well. She whimpers and tears sting my eyes, the wind picking up. 

It never got this bad here, the weather I mean. It was always a couple a showers but never like this. I begin to shake as Bailey finds her way underneath the blanket and curls up next to me. I hold her close and pet her fur. I hear Mom calling my name over the screaming of the wind. We had a plan in case the weather got worse. But I wasn't thinking. 

A crash and the cold wind pushes against my blanket. I scream and cry harder. I lift my head up and wrap the blanket around Bailey and I. The tree branch had broken my room and now papers and my other things are flying around the room. I don't think, I act.

Grabbing Bailey and my blanket, I run into my closet, locking it and pressing myself into the corner the farthest away from the door. I hold Bailey in my lap and press my face against her, soaking her fur with my tears. The wind howls and I can hear the screams of my neighbors as the storm slowly makes it's way towards us. I try to wait out the storm and wrap the blanket around my dog and I. 

I  desperately try to ignore the sound of the wind piercing the air, the wood and other debris crashing against my house. I try to block out the cries of bloody murder as my parents are taken away by the powerful winds. 


I wake up to someone shaking me and the sound of rain slamming against the little window. 


I jolt up and thrash around, screaming and crying. Boney hands grasp my arms and face but I hit them away and try to forget the dream. Someone yells out my name over the wind and the hands are still trying to hold onto me. Before I could slap whoever was trying to get a hold of me, boney arms wrap around me and I'm pressed against a very boney form. I look up and see Sans holding onto me, muttering my name. 

"(Y/N) you're fine. It was just a dream.."

A dream. Hah. Good one Sans. 

I relax, knowing that it's not some trespasser, but when I do, all of my emotions begin to spill out. I grip onto Sans' shirt and cry into the material as he slowly rocks me back and fort, mumbling soft nothings into my hair. 

Truth #21: I hate storms.

Eventually, my crying succumbs to pitiful whimpers, my face still buried into Sans' sternum. He rubs soft circle on my back as I tremble. The howling of the winds and the pounding of the rain doesn't help my situation as I slowly start to cry again. I feel boney hands on my face and force my head up. I make eye contact with Sans.

"Listen (Y/N), it's just a storm. There's nothing to be afraid of." 

Oh Sans, only if you knew. 

"I'll be here, just go back to sleep, kay?" 

My response was to curl into him tighter. Honestly, I didn't want to be alone. Not after a nightmare like that. 

Truth #22: I have a lot of nightmares.

Truth #23: They're always about them. My parents I mean. It's always the same event over and over.

Sans sighs and I gasp as I feel his phalanges graze the skin underneath my thighs as I'm lifted into the air. He walks to the other side of the room, carrying me in his arms. My feelings don't register at the fact that Sans is literally inches away from my face as I try to refrain from crying again. Sans places me down on a mattress, his I suppose, and I hesitantly let go of his arms. He gently places a blanket over me and pats my arm. I reach out and grab his wrists, he turns around, a slight scowl on his face. 

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