Chapter 14

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"Sans, get on the damn scooter." 

Sans looks at me, hesitant as I start up the scooter. He holds his wrist, rubbing it where he claimed it had hurt. I had told him that he probably slept on it. 

"Or maybe it was your fat head," he told me, smirking. For revenge, I hid his ketchup. 

"Sans come on. We have to go before everyone gets back." I say desperately. If Sans actually knows where and what S15 was, then it could open up something new in our investigation. Heh, calling it that makes me feel like Sherlock Holmes. 

I motion for Sans to sit behind me and he finally complies. He grows his leg over the seat and he holds onto my waist. We drive off, a little shakey at first since it was my first time driving this thing. It's quiet to the drive there. Honestly, I don't have any idea where we're going, yet. We're going to stop at the Dollar Store where they have a map, Sans will point out the location of S15, and then we'll be off again. 

At least, that's how we planned it would go. 

Sans has been awfully quiet since he told me that he knew about S15. That was two days ago. Since then, I've been restless and have wanted to go to the place to see if it was actually Toriel selling the house for what ever it was.

But Sans has told me to be patient and wait. With a lot of internal struggling, I finally did and now, here we were riding across the sand in our scooter. 

As we drive past the boardwalk, I can't help but feel a pair of eyes on me. I cautiously look above and see Mabel leaning over the wooden railing. We locked eyes and she shook her head before walking off. What was that about? I shake it off and  turn my attention back to the path in front of me  where the sand gave away to gravel and grass. 

Eventually, we reach the Dollar Store -that's its actual name; creative right?- and walk in silently, the little bell signaling our entrance to the only lady at the lone cash register. She gives us a wave before going back to whatever she was doing on her phone. I walk around, pulling at my damp shirt as I enjoy the cool A/C. Sans walks over to a crate of mostly broken toys and curiously starts to mess with them. 

I walk to the cooler and pull out a soda, taking a sip even though I haven't payed for it yet. The crisp, cool liquid running down my throat instantly cools and refreshes me. I cap the bottle and walk over to Sans. He sees me and tosses a small, jittering toy chicken back into the crate. 

"Ready?" I asks. He pauses before plucking the soda out of my hand, twisting it open and taking a sip. I glare at him as he places it back in my waiting hand when he's done. He smirks, "Ready." I roll my eyes and step up to the cash register and  pay for the drink. 

I almost forgot why we were there and rushed over to the window with the tapped up map. Sans follows behind me and I ask him where S15 was. He hesitates before pointing to a certain point on the map. Great, it's a little ways out there. We'lol barely get back before everyone else does, but in the end it's worth it. 


Sans and I head to the scooter, get on and drive off. Sans presses his skull against my neck and I smile. Earlier, he had complained that his wrist had hurt so much that he didn't think that he could drive. Fortunately, I'm a quick learner. Girl Scouts said so. 

Suddenly I feel Sans' hand crawl up my arm. I jump and almost cause the scooter to swerve. "Sans what are you doing?" I asked him. 

"Maybe we should go back." He says quietly. I'm taken aback. Why does he want to go back? Isn't this was he wanted? I started to try and will the scooter to go faster, kicking up dirt and gravel behind us. Sans' hand covers mine until he suddenly presses the brake. 

We slide forward a bit and I whip my self around, "Sans what is your problem?" I ask harshly. He seems nervous as he pulls at the string of his jacket, "Listen, maybe this isn't such a good idea, ya know? We could get in trouble for this." I roll my eyes and turn back around, reeving up the scooter again, "You're being  melodramatic." I say as we drive off again.

Sans tries to grab the brake again and I swat his hand away. What has gotten into him today? It's quiet again and I finally relax. 

That is, until Sans' hands tighten on my waist and he whispers a statement that caused my blood to boil. 

"I know where you're notebook is." 

My hands clench the handles of the scooter tightly, my knuckles turning white. 

"I know that you kept it behind in the sink in the cabinet. I knew you weren't smoking." He started to shake, sniffling, "I know about your parents." 

Sans reaches the brake again and I don't stop him. All I can think about is, You read my notebook. 

"Why didn't you tell me (Y/N)? When I told you everything, why didn't you open up to me?" He asks, his voice unsteady and cracking. Hot, angry tears sting my eyes as I try to shove Sans' hands away. The scooter swerves slightly, "Sans fucking let go!" I yell. 

"Why didn't you trust me?" He quietly says into my neck. 

Truth #67: Our relationship is built on trust. 

Truth #68: But how can we be together if I won't even tell my family the truth. 

"(Y/N)...why did you lie to me?" 

I shake my head and try to smack Sans' hand away. The scooter hits a rock, causing us to jolt forward and I loose my grip on the handles. The scooter jerks from side to side from the loss of control and I try to grab onto them again, Sans still trying to reach over me. 

The front wheel of the scooter gets caught in a large crack in the ground, making the scooter stop and tip violently. The front dips quickly and I see Sans being thrown off to the side like a rag doll. 

I don't know what came first: the scooter flipping over, throwing me to the ground, the shooting pain up my arm and the sound of metal scrapping against the walkway-or the sound of Sans' skull cracking against the concrete. 

*avoids hoard of angry readers* 


*skillfully dodges a pitchfork* 


*sees someone rushing towards me with a chainsaw* 

Well shit


*quickly runs off* 

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