Chapter 1

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It was just like any other Friday night for Haley James and Lucas Scott. They were sitting in Lucas' living room watching movies, like they've done almost every Friday night since they can remember. The two were best friends and no one could change that. Haley spent almost everyday and night in Lucas' house as her mother had died when she was just a baby. Her father was constantly away on business trips much to her dismay. Karen was always like a mother to Haley and Karen saw Haley as a daughter.

                                                                                       Karen came into the living room where the pair were together as she had predicted "Kids I have some news could you pause that for a second?" Lucas did as his mother asked and the two turned to face Karen. "Well as you both know I've been saving to buy a cafe of my own since I got out of collage and I'm glad to say that I've finally found my dream spot. I do have to tell you it will involve Lucas and I moving to Tree Hill." Karen said. "WHAT! But Karen that's at least 2 hours away! I'll never get to see you guys!" Haley shouted in sadness. She knew this is what Karen had always wanted but she didn't know how she would cope without her best friend. " I know Haley. And I am very sorry about that but I have talked to your father and he said you can come with us." REALLY? YES!"Lucas
said. "I'm not finished. He said you can come with us but only if you finish this school year here then after the Summer you can come join us in Tree Hill."Karen finished. " But ma we still have 2 months left of school!" Lucas exclaimed. He was happy for his mom and happy that she tried to get Haley to be able to move with them, he just knew how hard it would be for him in a new school with new people and a brother around that he never met, well half brother. He also felt sorry for Haley. It was always Lucas and Haley against the world now she will be on her own. "Its fine Karen really. I'm just really happy he agreed to let me go. And that I can go live with you guys". Haley said. Karen smiled to herself. She always liked how Haley could make a bad situation seem good. " That's great Haley. I'm really happy your father agreed"

After this Karen said her goodbyes and left the two teens. The room was filled with silence before Lucas spoke "you know how much I'm going to miss you Haley" It broke her heart that she had to be away from her best friend for over 2 months but she knew it had to be done if she wanted to go to Tree Hill with them. "I'll miss you too loser now are we gonna sit round here wasting time or are we gonna go have some fun for our last few days?" Lucas laughed at his friends outlook on the situation. He didn't know how he would survive without her.

The next few days were filled with the two trying to go to all there favourite places in town before Lucas left. They went to their favourite cafe, which Karen worked in, an old basketball court they love to hang out on. Lucas spent so much time there he'd gotten quite good at the game and would love to play, unfortunately his school was football only. Lastly they went to their spot in the park. They used to go to this spot almost everyday as kids. Its where they met. Lucas wanted the swing Haley was on and Haley being Haley refused to give it to him. As they arrived Haley ran over to the swing and called "Hey loser want to attempt yo take my swing again? We know it worked out so well for you the last time." Lucas laughed "I think I'll pass. I know not to go into a fight you can't win" The pair spent the entire day at the park and when they got home it was time for Lucas to pack for Tree Hill.

Lucas and Haley went up to his room and started sorting stuff into boxes. They both knew this wouldn't be easy, for either of them,but at the same time they were both excited about going to a new school. Even though for Haley it was still quite some time away.

Haley stayed over at Lucas' house that night. The two stayed up all night talking. When Karen came to wake Lucas she found him already awake with a crying Haley. The sight broke her heart. To see the girl she had known to be so strong, crying was a hard sight to see. Lucas tried to tell her how happy they'll both be when there in Tree Hill and about all the fun they'll have. She gave him a small smile in return. "Now would you like to tell me what's really bothering Haley James?" Lucas asked. Her smile turned to a frown. He could always read her like a book. "What if you get all new friends and become "too cool" to be seen as the new girl? I mean you'll most likely be captain of the basketball team with a cheerleader girlfriend by the time I get there. Yes i looked it up Tree Hill High have an amazing basketball team, with cheerleaders." Haley said, eyes still red and puffy. Lucas was hurt to hear this. He would never under any circumstance be "too cool" for Haley. They was a reason they always call each other 'loser'. " Now why would I do that? I already have the best friend in the world. Nothing can ever change that." He brought Haley in for a hug and told her everything would be just fine, that they would call and text every day. And in that moment Haley knew everything would work out.

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