chapter 13

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Nathans pov

I quickly drove to my house, ran upstairs and grabbed a bag from under my bed. I started packing clothes, my toothbrush, just the essentials. I had to be out of this house before Dan got home or he would try and convince me to stay. My mom wasn't home, she was on a business trip all month. Boy was she going to get a surprise when she gets home. I grab my bag, my phone and my keys and walk out of the house towards my car. I get in just as Dan pulls up. I turned it on and start to reverse. Dan was shouting at me but all I could hear was something about major mistake, don't come back and you'll regret this. When I got to Lucas and Haley's, I saw Haley run out the door. Shoot, I didn't go talk to her before I left. I really hope she wasn't angry. Turns out she was the opposite. She almost tackled me with a hug. Neither of us said anything, we just held each other, not wanting to let go.

"I have never been so scared in my life Nate. I thought I had lost you and you wouldn't leave your house and then Luke told me what happened-" I cut her off.

"I don't need that home. That place is nothing more than four walls and some furniture. You're my home Hales. You're all I need." I said truthfully. I saw tears in her eyes. She couldn't speak so she just nodded her head.

"Is Karen alright with me staying here?" I ask once I'm inside.

"Yes Nathan. I have no problem with you staying here. You're forgetting I dated Dan. I know how horrible he can be. You're welcome here anytime." Karen said as she entered the room.

"Thank you so much Karen. I am so grateful." I said.

"Now I know you usually sleep in Haley's room when you come over, yes I know about that, but while you live here you're gonna stay in Luke's room. Understood?" she said seriously. Damn I thought we were careful with that.

"Of course. Thank you so much again." I said.

"You stay as long as you need. Our door is always open."

I thanked her again as she left the room. Luke came in and sat beside me and Haley.

"Hey I put clean sheets on the spare bed in my room and cleared a couple drawers so you're all set to move in whenever. I'm gonna head upstairs now so see you in a bit .Night Loser" He said to Haley.

"Night nerd" she said.

I turned to Haley. I was wondering how she felt about all this. Hell I don't even know how I feel about all this.

"Hales are you sure it's ok with you? Me staying here?" I ask cautiously

"Yeah of course. I mean it will be different but I really don't mind. As long as I know your safe and away from Dan. Did u tell him your leaving by the way?."

"Yeah I think he kind of gathered it when he saw me drive away. I heard him shout some crap about regretting this but I really don't think I will."

"Awe great. Shoot I told Brooke that I'd call her tonight. She's probably still at that party though. Wait did you wanna go to that?" She asked

"No way in hell. I'm in for the night I think I've had more than enough drama for one day don't you?" I said with a laugh.

We stayed up a little bit longer watching some movies. After a while Haley fell asleep beside me so I carried her upstairs, put her in her bed and went back to me and Luke's new room. Luke was asleep  so i just went to my bed and texted Brooke that Haley fell asleep that's why she didn't call, incase Brooke was getting worried.  

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a LONG time. I really am sorry I was just so busy. I'm on holidays now though so I'll have time to write. THANKS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS! I will update soon promise

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