Chapter 6

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Haley's POV

Lucas, Nathan and I walked to school together. We had been in Tree Hill almost a month and honestly I love it. Lucas has been spending more time with Peyton, and I've been spending most of mine with Nathan. We're just friends of course but he's becoming one of my best friends.

"So short stack, you coming to the game tonight?" Nathan asked wth a cocky grin. Lucas and Nathan both play basketball for the Tree Hill ravens, and after Brooke and Peyton begging me to join, I am a cheerleader. I'm not gonna lie I sorta love it.

"Of course! I wouldn't dream of missing our pregame ritual." Before every game since I moved and Nathan and I became friends, I go up to him before every game and give him a good luck hug and a kiss on the cheek. After every game I'm the first he talks to.

"And you have to cheer on the better Scott right?" Lucas asked

"Whatever you gotta believe loser" I laughed

As soon as we arrived at school Brooke jumped on my back and almost knocked me over. "Hey tutor girl. You ready for the game?" I just laughed. This had been Brooke's nickname for me ever since we met.
"And the party at the beach house after" Peyton added with a wink.
They always drag me to these parties and I always end up spending the whole night walking round with Nathan. I feel kinda bad that he's missing the fun but every time I mention it he says he doesn't mind.

"She wouldn't miss it, would you Hales?" Nathan asked with a grin.
"You sure you wanna go?" I asked him "As long as you are" he replied. I just nodded to Peyton and went to my locker.

The classes went by pretty quick. I was pretty excited for the game. It was an away game so we all loaded on the bus for the two hour journey. I sat beside Nathan, Peyton beside Brooke and Luke sat behind us.

"Ready for the game?" I asked Nathan already knowing his answer.

"Of course. Everything is gonna be great." He said with a cocky smirk. I sure hope they will.

"Is Dan coming?" I asked a little bit afraid. Dan was Nathan and Lucas' ass of a father. I can't stand him. The amount of pressure he puts on Nathan to succeed would drive anyone crazy. I remember one night Nathan called me at four am saying Dan had just spent five hours telling him everything wrong he had ever done. What kind of father is that? Now every time Dan is on his back he either calls me or sneaks in my window and we talk it out.

"Oh of course. The great Dan Scott never misses a chance to prove I will never be as good as him, especially in basketball." He sighed.

"I'm really sorry you have to go through that Nate" I said truthfully. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

"I'll be fine as long as I got you, short stack" Nathan said as he put an arm over my shoulder and messed up my hair.

"I am not that short!" I shouted slapping his chest.
I looked out the window. We were already at the school. Wow that went quick.

That's it.
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