Chapter 5

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It was the morning Haley started school. She was so nervous. What if they didn't like her? What if the students didn't like her? What if they had already done stuff her old school hadn't even heard of? All these questions were swirling around in her head until she heard knock at the door. She immediately went and answered the door knowing it was Lucas calling her to leave. "Hey loser. You ready?" Lucas asked jokingly, knowing Haley was probably ready an hour before he was. "Of course. Now let's go before I get anymore nervous" Haley said as she let out a sigh. At least she knew she had some friends there.

Lucas and Haley walked to school together. The school was only about a ten minute walk. Haley was rambling about all her worries when Lucas stopped her. " Haley stop worrying you will be fine you have plenty of friends, your probably smarter than half the teachers and I know everyone will love you." Haley just smiled at Lucas. If only he knew how much she really worried.

The two went there separate ways as she had to go to principle Turner and get her timetable. As soon as she walked in everyone stopped and stared. She even saw some turn to their friends and start whispering or laughing. She never felt more out of place in her life until someone calling her name calmed her a bit as she felt she was about to have a panic attack. "Hales, over here" Nathan called. Everyone immediately stopped and went about their own business. Haley walked over the Nathan who was standing at his locker. "Kind of zoned out their did you?" Nathan asked with a chuckle. Haley laughed too. "Just a little. Hey you couldn't show me to the principles office could you?" She asked. "Get in trouble already did we? I have to say I'm disappointed James." Nathan said jokingly. "Ha, your hilarious" she replied with a hint of sarcasm In her voice. " I'll show you now, it's on my way" Nathan closed his locker as the two headed off. He showed her around a little bit on the way and promised to give her the full tour later. Haley thanked him and they went their separate ways. She knocked on the principals office and when she heard him say come in she entered. He handed her the time table and told her she could miss first class to go for a look around. So she did just that, getting lost a couple times. When she heard the bell she went to the class Nathan told her earlier was art. She was thankful to see Peyton sitting at an empty desk. " Hey Haley come sit here" she shouted across the room. The two girls were engrossed in a conversation when the teacher interrupted to make Haley introduce herself.

After that class it was time for lunch she looked for her locker, apparently the only one left and found it was beside Brooke's. "Hey girlie ready for lunch?" She asked Haley. With a nod from her they went out to Brooke's usual table where Peyton, Lucas and Nathan were already seated. "Hey Hales, show me your timetable for a sec." Nathan asked her as soon as she sat down. She handed her the timetable from her bag as he began to check if they had any classes together. He was happy to see they had a free period next and English after that. Hayley was very happy to hear this. After lunch they all parted except for Nathan and Haley. He threw his arm over her shoulder and she smiled up at him. " So what you wanna do?" Nathan asked. " Well what happened to the tour?" She replied cheekily. "Come on so, wouldn't want poor Haley getting lost now would we" he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. They both laughed.

After they finished the tour they still had 20 minutes. "Hey why  don't I show you the gym we can hang out for a bit. Even finish that game of 20 questions?" Nathan said. She nodded in agreement. He opened the doors and said "And here is where the lucky few will get to see me trash what ever team we play."
"There's the jock persona I've heard so much about" she replied laughing. "And I guess I'll get to see the nerd side I've heard so much about in English ya?" He replied. " you bet you ass you will" Haley laughed.

They set up in the bleachers and began the game "ok we'll start easy. First pet?" Nathan asked
"Cat. Favourite person in the group?"
"You or Lucas. Unknown talent?"
Nathan said
"Tutoring. Biggest fear?"
"Not making the NBA. Biggest secret." Nathan asked getting deeper questions. Haley was taken aback. She really liked him and could see him as one of her best friends and helping her when times got bad. She decided to tell him "Ever since I was twelve, I've been getting panic attacks." She admitted. He didn't know what to say he just found himself wrapping his arms around her and comforting her. He couldn't imagine how awful that must be. "Anytime it happens again, at home, school I don't care, you call or text me and I'll be right there, what ever time. I'll always be there." He replied. She felt a tear slide down her cheek. She was so happy to have a friend as good as Nathan and she really believed him when he said he'll be there.

The rest of the day went pretty quick. She sat beside Nathan in English which was fun. Then she went home grabbed some food and did her homework. After a while she was so exhausted she had to go to bed. She said goodnight to Lucas and Karen And was out like a light.

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