Chapter 8

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Nathan's POV
We just pulled into Hales' driveway. I stepped the car and started walking towards the door.

"Nate it's fine you don't have to stay with me. Go back to the party." Haley told me. I could tell she felt bad but I didn't really mind to be honest.

"You think I actually wanna go back? Not a chance. It gets boring after a while. Plus who will rescue me from rach-ho Gatina?" I told her.

She began to laugh. It was kinda adorable. I don't like her in that way though. I like this girl called Riley. I asked her out tonight and she gave me her number and walked off. I was kinda confused but whatever.

"Fine stay. But your not ruining my plans for the rest of the evening" she told me with a smug look on her face. How could she have plans? It was past midnight.

"Oh ya? And what would they be, miss James?"

"Watching rom-coms all night long. And there's nothing you can do to stop me Scott!" I had to laugh. That sounds like Haley James alright.

"Fine but don't blame me if I fall asleep" She just rolled her eyes.

I went upstairs and changed into some sweats I keep here and Haley did the same. I took Rileys number out of my pocket and left it on the table for a second so I could put it in my phone. Before I knew it Haley had grabbed it.

"So she is going out with you?" She asked kinda confused.

"No she just gave me her number and walked off. I don't even think she's into me like that."

Haley doesn't like Riley. I know this for a fact. She cheers with her and I alway hear her Brooke and Peyton bitching about her. I really don't know why.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier when I asked?"

"You were upset. I didn't think it was important. Why don't you like her anyways?"

"It's not important. It doesn't matter go out with who ever you want. See if I care." Haley said. I saw a tear stream down her face. I really hate to see her hurting, but I don't know why she's upset.

"What is it Hales? What's wrong?"

She hesitated. "Nothing. Nothing at all. It's fine, really you should go call her. Do it now if you want. I'm gonna head upstairs I'm kinda tired. Come up when your done."

Now I was really confused.

"Ok Hales. I'll be up in a minute." I said and kissed the top of her head.

After she went upstairs Luke came home. Maybe he knows what's going on.

"Oh hey Nathan. You staying tonight? Where's Haley?" He asked.

"Ya I am. She's gone upstairs. She's acting kinda weird."

"Weird? How? What did she say."

"She saw that I got Rileys number at the party and I didn't tell her straight away, cause she was upset. Then she acted kinda annoyed that I was gonna go out with Riley. Do you know why she doesn't like Riley?" I asked hoping he would know.

"Riley Forbes? Oh ya the girls do not like her. I always hear them talking about her and it's never good. If you wanna know you should really ask her. I don't know enough to tell you. I'm gonna head up to bed you should too bro you look exhausted."

And he was right. I am exhausted. I went upstairs to find Haley already asleep. I didn't want to bother her so I lied down on the couch beside her bed.

"Don't even think about it Scott. Get over here." She said in a tired voice.

I laughed and climbed in beside her.

"Sorry. Didn't want to disturb." I said with a chuckle.

"I sleep better knowing your side is closer to the door so if a burglar comes he can get you first and I can run" She replied with a cheeky smirk.

"You say the sweetest things to me Haley James."

'When I saw you I fell in love. And you smiled because you knew'- William Shakespeare

That quote is one of my favourites. There it is. Why do you think Haley Brooke and Peyton dislike Riley? Any ideas or anything are welcome Xx please comment and vote😘

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