chapter 11

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Nathans POV

When i got to Haley's house I noticed Brooke's car was already there. That wasn't a good sign. I went straight up to her room but was meet at the door by Brooke.

"Listen, Nathan, Haley isn't mad at you. It's really complicated on why she's upset. I want to tell you but I really think this is something she should do herself." Brooke said.

"Well can I go in and talk to her then?" I ask

"You can try but I don't know if she'll tell you tonight. Peyton's in there with her now. I'll ask her to leave. Please be gentle with her about this." Brooke said. She seamed pretty upset about this herself. I know Brooke Davis. She doesn't get upset unless someone has really hurt her or someone she cares about. I hear Haley's cry from outside the door and decide to go in.

"Oh Nathan. Your here." Peyton said trying to get Haley to notice.

"P. Sawyer do you wanna go. I think there's someone we should pay a visit to. Don't you?" Brooke said

"I'm right behind ya on that one." Peyton replied and with that they left. I wondered who they were going to see. I walk over to Haley and sit beside her.

"Haley what's up? You know you can tell me anything? I won't even be a little mad whatever it is. I promise." I said as she was still crying

"I can't tell you. You'll hate me or you'll end up doing something you regret. Either way it's easier to forget about it." She said

"No way. I'm never leaving you Haley. I don't care what you're going to say. I'm staying right here." I said truthfully.

"You really wanna know?" She asked.


"And you promise you won't leave when I tell you?"

"Whatever you want Haley I'll do it. Please just tell me what's wrong." I said

"Okay. Here it goes. Riley and Rachel have been picking on me. Trying to find what I'm most insecure about and taunting me about it. I've been having panic attacks in the bathroom everyday. They pick out things and make them seem like everyone notices them. I hate it. It's like they're in my head and I can't take it anymore Nate I can't do it." She said breaking down in my arms. I just stroke her hair and tell her it all going to be alright. The truth is I'm furious. How could I not notice this? I should have been a better friend. I tried to date Riley when all this was going on.

"You could have told me sooner Hales. I'm not going to leave you. You have my word on that. Your stuck with me for life." I say making her laugh.

"Oh thank god. I missed you. I can't take them anymore though. They told me that you see me as a broken toy and if you didn't before, you do now." She said still crying.

"What! I would never see you as a broken toy. I love everything about you. You hair, your laugh, your smile, how you can make anyone laugh, how you treat everyone the same even though you're smarter than everyone in that school, prettier than them too. I love that when I have any problems, you're the person that I come to. You're the only one that can help. I love that even through all this you stayed strong. I love you Haley James. So much it scares me sometimes." I said. I had just poured my heart out.

"I love you too Nate. But I can't do this. They'll just keep going and-" I cut her off

"No they won't because you will have your boyfriend with you at all times. And you know if I'm not there Brooke can kick some ass just as well as I can." I said. It was silent. That was until she kissed me. It was amazing. I felt fireworks. Everything felt right.

"So is that a yes?" I asked and she laughed

"Yes. Yes that is a yes I will be your girlfriend." She said with a laugh.

I wiped a tear from under her eye with my thumb. God she was beautiful.

"Just promise me one thing Nate?" She asked

"Anything" I said immediately

"Promise that we'll still be able to talk like best friend and you'll still be my rock cause I really need that right now. Promise that this is forever. I can't bear to lose you."

"Haley James this is for Always and Forever" I said.

She kissed me again. Then she yawned so she lied down in bed and I lied beside her.

"See nothing's changed." I said making her laugh.

"Go to sleep Scott" she said and hit my chest.

"I love you Hales." I said

"I love you too Nate."

And with that she was asleep.

Brooke's POV

That's it. I've had just about, actually no I've had more than enough of Riley and Rachel going around acting like the queens of the school. It ends tonight. If they think they can rule the school by bringing everyone else down then they have another thing coming. They think they can bring me and Peyton down with their childish comebacks? I'd like to see them try. No more will they hurt Haley or anyone else for that matter. Peyton and I are going over to Rachel's right now where Riley is no doubt staying. When we got there I looked at Peyton

"You ready to knock some sense into them?" I said

"Lead the way B Davis." She said.

I get up to the door and rang the bell. Rachel came down and looked as if she had seen a ghost.

"Um Brooke hi. What are you doing here?" She asked awkwardly.

"Ugh what's brunette barbie doing here? Oh great wanna be DiVinci is here too." Riley said rudely from behind her. That was it. I stormed in.

"I'll tell you what I'm doing here you little slut I'm here to kick your ass. Peyton get Rachel out. This is between me and her." I said and pointed at Riley. I had a plan for where this was going and I was gonna follow it. Peyton did as I said.

"Listen you can not come in here. I could call the cops" Riley said.

"No you listen little ms brat. You are going to stop picking on people. This is my school. You wanna keep doing what you're doing? Then my advice would be to move because that just ain't gonna happen on my watch." I shouted.

"Oh you this you're so amazing coming in here yelling at me. What power do you have? How can you affect my life if I don't stop picking on the little scank?" She asked.

"Oh honey you have no idea of my power. I'm captain of the cheer squad. You know the one you're on that you need to stay on to get a scholarship? Ya and I can kick you off pretty easily. Also I'm student body president. I can make whatever new rules about preventing bullying and principal will just love it. Anyone sees you bullying ANY member of this school then immediate expulsion. I don't think that would look good on a job or college application. Not to mention-"

"Okay I get your point. You can make my life hell. Please I need to stay cheering. I'll stop. I swear it I will. I can't say the same for Rachel though." She said

"Oh don't worry, peyton's taking care of that nicely I think"

Peyton and I had all this planned out before we even stepped out of the car. She was doing the exact same thing to Rachel.

"You win Brooke. You have your school back" Riley said.

"Oh honey if you think you ever took that school off me than you really should get your head checked." I said

"C'mon B Davis I think we've handled this situation. And if we ever hear that your bugging or even looking at Haley again, I'll have your ass expelled faster than you can say sorry." Peyton yelled as we left the house. Hopefully for the last time.

New update. Please leave feedback. And remember to comment on what book you want me to do next. All my ships are in my profile bio. Don't forget to vote and comment. I'll update as soon as possible

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