Chapter 4

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It was a beautiful night. Nathan and Haley decided to walk round the park that was opposite Brooke's house. "So, how are you liking Tree Hill so far?" Nathan broke the silence between them. For some reason it wasn't an awkward silence, just a comfortable silence. "Well, I haven't seen much of it, I only came recently, but from what I've seen it seems pretty good. I've been into Karen's cafe and I like it there." Haley said. Nathan then remembered why he hadn't been there that day. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to meet you with the rest of the gang. Whitey had me running laps until I couldn't feel my legs." Nathan said as Haley laughed. "Wait, who's whitey?" Haley asked confused. "Oh sorry, whitey is our basketball coach." Nathan explained "He's pretty tough on us but he'll get us to where we wanna be." Haley laughed "And where would that be?" She asked with a smile, in a way already knowing the answer. "To the top"

Back at the Davis house, after dancing with Peyton, tried to find Haley. He'd looked all over the house but couldn't seem to find her anywhere. He went up to Brooke and decided to ask her. "Hey Brooke. Did you happen to see where Haley went?" He asked hopefully. "Oh ya I saw her walk over to the park with Nathan about 10 minutes ago" Brooke said with a sly smile. Lucas immediately noticed this and looked at her strangely. "What's with the look Davis?" He asked. "Nothing I just think it's cute that Nathan is actually making an effort to make someone feel welcome and get to know them." Lucas brushed off her comment and knew that Haley would be safe with Nathan.

"So tell me about yourself" Nathan asked Haley. "Well there's not much to tell really" Haley replied shyly. She was never much good at talking about herself. "Come on try it, I'll tell you the full story of the great Nathan Scott if you do. Start till end!" Nathan begged. Nathan never seemed to beg for anything though he really did want to get to know her. "Although that does sound tempting, I think we should just play 20 questions instead." Haley laughed. Nathan agreed and the two continued to walk around the park. "Ok I'll start. What's your favourite colour?" Nathan asked. "Wow were really getting into the deep stuff here" Haley chuckled at his question. "Seriously I wanna know" Nathan continued. "Ok fine my favourite colour is yellow if you must know. But I'm pretty sure I can guess yours" Haley said with confidence. "Oh really? And Huw would you know that? I've known you not even a day and never told you." Nathan said with his signature grin on his face. "Blue and white" Haley said with a smirk of her own. "Nope... wait... how did you know that!?" Nathan asked clearly amazed. "Easy. I saw Brooke's cheerleading uniform in her room. Ravens colours are white and blue, your captain of the basket ball team." Haley laughed, pleased with herself. "Nathan started to chuckle "You really are something else Haley James. We better head back to the house before people get worried, but I promise we'll resume this game again." He said and Haley agreed. "Here take this your freezing" Nathan noticed Haley shivering and gave her his hoodie. "Your sure?" Haley asked as she slipped it on. With a nod from Nathan they walked back to Brooke's house.

As soon as the two walked in the door Brooke spotted them and ran over to them "Nathan, Brooke! Get Over here. We're playing never have I ever" Brooke said as she dragged the two to the groups small circle with consisted of Peyton, Lucas, a couple of basket ball players and a couple of cheerleaders. Haley and Nathan both said down and were given a drink each. They both knew how to play but Nathan had a lot more experience in it. Haley had just seen it on tv. Brooke noticed Haley was wearing Nathan's hoodie but thought she would ask questions tomorrow when they were back at school. " I'll go first" Brooke volunteered. "Never have I ever got caught by my parents sneaking out" Lucas and Haley looked at each other trying to hold in the laughter as they remembered the time they were five and thought it would be amazing to go to the park at night. They tried to sneak out Lucas' bedroom window but were immediately caught by Karen. So in turn they both took a drink. It had been the first time Haley had ever drank and she couldn't say she liked it. Next Lucas volunteered. "Never have I ever missed morning practice because I was still at the night before's party" Lucas finished sending Nathan a wink. The game continued for a while Brooke was by far the most drunk. Nathan had been on water all night because he was designated driver for him Lucas Peyton and he assumed Haley as she was brought here by Brooke. Haley had only had one drink. "Dance with me?" Haley asked Nathan. "Sure one song couldn't hurt" the two went onto the dance floor and began to sway to the music. She had to admit, she had never been this comfortable with a guy that wasn't Lucas. She liked it. She now knew she had some shoulders to lean on. After the song was over Nathan saw that Haley was tired and offered to driver her home. She gladly accepted. The car was filled with a comfortable silence as well as some small talk. Once they reached Haley and Lucas' house they got out and Nathan walked her to the door. "I had a great time tonight, Hales. I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Nathan asked. Hales. Hales. No one had ever called her that before but she liked his nickname for her. "Ya me too, goodnight Nate" Haley said as she walked inside and closed that door. Nate. Nate. No one had ever called him that before but he liked her nickname for him.

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