Chapter 2

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It had been 3 months since Lucas and Karen had left. 3 long horrible months. Haley had started a routine. Get up, go to school, tutor some people, go home and call Lucas, sleep, repeat. Every single day. Lucas had kept to his promise. The two had not grown apart at all , if anything they had become closer. Their conversations mostly consisted of Lucas telling her about his friends. First of all there was Brooke Davis. Brooke was a typical queen B, captain of the cheer squad to everyone but she let her friends see the loving, compassionate side of her. She ruled the school and god help anyone who does anything to her or her friends. Then there was Peyton Sawyer. She was Brookes best friend but they were complete opposites. Peyton loved to draw and was very talented, she was also very interested in music. She had to biggest collection Luke had ever seen. She was a cheerleader too but she mainly did it for her mom who was killed in a car accident when she was 8. Her mom loved to cheer so Peyton wanted to do it for her and she got to be with Brooke. Lucas would be lying if he said he didn't have a crush on Peyton. Then there's Nathan Scott. Lucas' half brother. Karen had informed Dan, their father that her and Lucas would be coming to live in Tree Hill. To say he didn't care would be an understatement. Nathan was also informed of the arrival and he wasn't gonna lie, was pretty excited. He had always wanted a brother to hang out and play ball with. Nathan was the opposite to Lucas. He was captain of the basketball team and was king of the school. He's known as a player around the school. He could be a pig sometimes but there's nothing he cares more about than his friend. He and Lucas got on as brothers straight away, much to every ones surprise.  Lucas knew that Haley would fit into this group very well. It may not have been the same crew she used to be in but these were the kind of people Haley clicked with. Kind, loyal people.

It was the day Haley would get the bus to Tree Hill. School didn't start for another 5 days but Lucas wanted her to come early so he could show her around. There was also a party at Brookes house that Lucas begged Haley to go to so she could meet people. She eventually agreed. She ran around frantically putting all her clothes into her suitcase. She had already given most her other possessions to the mover men to bring to Karen's new home. She walked out of the house double checking that the door was locked and walked to the bus station. She paid for her ticket, took her seat and put on her headphones. She could not contain her excitement. It was the longest 2 hours of her life.

When she finally arrived in Tree Hill she was pleasantly surprised. It was a nice, pretty, little town. She could really see herself living here. She followed Lucas' directions and was led to a gorgeous building with a sign 'Karen's cafe'. She walked in the door and the first person she saw was Karen waiting on a table. She quickly ran up to her and almost smothered her in a hug. Karen turned around to see Haley and was overjoyed. She had missed her so much. "Haley you're here! The movers just dropped off all your stuff this morning. Lucas can help you unpack later." Karen said with a smile. "Speaking of Lucas where is he?" Just as Haley finished her sentence she felt someone tickling her. She turned around to see Lucas and it was if her life was good again. Like she was home. " Hey loser did ya miss me?" Lucas asked as the pair laughed. "Of course I did you idiot!" Now are you gonna show me around Tree Hill or what?" Haley exclaimed. "Actually there's some people I want you to meet" Lucas said as he guided her towards the back of the cafe. Haley then saw a table of two teens."Haley this is Brooke Davis" He said as he pointed at a brunette girl, "And this is Peyton Sawyer" as he pointed to a blond curly haired girl. "Ah so this is the best friend we've heard so much about? You did get her to agree to go to the party right Luke?" Brooke asked "Yep she's definitely going" Lucas replied with a grin. It's not often Haley gave in to things. "Hey, I'm Haley" Haley introduced herself to the two girls. "I think she'll fit right in" Peyton remarked with a smile. "I thought you said Nathan was in your group?" Haley questioned. " He is but Whitey has him running extra laps for backtalk" Lucas answered. "Oh my God P. Sawyer she should totally get ready with us for the party and mine tomorrow. Would you Haley please?" Brooke asked. "Sure why not" Haley replied. She genuinely liked this group. For the first time in a long time she was truly happy

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