chapter 12

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Haley's pov

It has been a month since Nathan and I have started dating. It has been very different to say the least. People are whispering about me when Nathan and I walk past. It is a lot easier with him by my side. Its Friday and there is a game tonight. Its a home game so we wont have to be getting a bus anywhere. Brooke has been working us cheerleaders so hard because we have a competition next weekend. We're all really tired but we have to have energy for the game. It's a really important game for the ravens and I could tell Nathan was nervous.  I was sitting next to him in English and when I looked beside me he was on the brink of sleep. i slightly nudge his elbow so he won't get in trouble, when he sends me a death glare. I mouthed 'are you alright?' but he just nodded. Something was off with him, I could tell. I nudge him again and he just looks at me and whispers "what is it?" angrily. I look back at him and he mouth's 'sorry'. He starts writing down on a piece of paper and passes it to says 'ask to go to bathroom in 2 minutes-N'. I nod my head and put the piece of paper in my pocket. This is what we usually do if I get worried in class. Nathan had just left the room.

Two minutes later I raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom. The teacher nods in my direction so i got up and left the room. I was pulled inside an empty classroom. I start to panic.

"Hey no. It's just me. It's Nathan." He said with a worried tone in his voice. I slap him.

"Don't you ever do that again" I replied

"Sorry Hales. Just needed somewhere to talk where no one would listen." he said, pacing the room.

"It's fine Nate. Anyways what's got you so worked up. You look like you haven't slept in days" I said. Now that I think of it, he hasn't slept over in a week which is unusual. I sorta assumed he wanted to sleep in his own bed to rest up for the game, but he always says he sleeps better in my house.

"If I'm being honest, I haven't. Dan has been on my back all week and I don't think can take it anymore. He keeps taunting me saying I won't beat his scoring title and that I'm not committed enough to the game. I have given my whole life to basketball since I was old enough to hold a damn ball. I told him I spend almost every free minute I have getting in shape, and you know what he said to me Hales?" Nathan said with a tear in his eye at this stage.

"What Nate? What did he say?" I asked. I was furious with Dan at this stage.

"He told me that when he played he didn't know what the word 'almost' meant. That he was never as distracted as I am now.  That's what he does. He pick out every little mistake I ever make, and make me think it's the end of the world. What if he's right Hales? What if i'm not good enough? I have to beat it Hales, I just have to." he said. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his check. He gives me a half smile.

"Nate I have no doubt in my mind that you will crush that title. By the time that final buzzer goes people won't even remember who Dan is. They'll just go around saying 'Isn't he the guy with he cars?' And FYI the reason he had no distractions was because he had no friends." i say with a grin. Nathan laughed. He picked me up and spun me round. I laughed but he cut me off by kissing me. I kissed back and put my hands around his neck. He wrapped his around my waist. We stopped for air after a few minutes.

"What was that for?" I asked laughing.

"For being the best girlfriend and the best best friend ever. Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you." He said and pecked my lips again.

"Hey you do the same for me all the time. Now we better get back to class or they will think we're dead." I said smiling from ear to ear.

"I think they might get a different idea if you back to class smiling that much" he said with a raised eyebrow. I slapped his chest hard. He pretended it hurt and put his hand on his heart.

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