Chapter 9

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Haley's POV

I woke up to see Nathan lying beside me, with his arm around me protectively. I had to say I liked it, even if it was something he just did in his sleep.

"Go back to sleep right now James or I'll call the cops" I heard Nathan say in a sleepy voice.

"Oh ya and what are they gonna do? Arrest me for getting up before 11am?" I said with a laugh.

"No. They'll arrest you for disrupting an innocent mans sleep." He said with a pout on his face.

I got out of his grasp and was about to walk downstairs when I thought of my comeback.

"You are far from innocent Scott." I said laughing.

"Oh your really gonna regret that Hales!" He said as he chased me down the stairs. After messing around for a while I started to make breakfast. I threw on some toast and made some eggs.

"Hey Luke? If you get up now you can have some breakfast without having to make it yourself." I shout up the stairs.

"Down in a second." He shouted back.

After breakfast, Nate went home. Brooke called me to see if I wanted to go shopping. I agreed and in 20 minutes her car was pulled up outside. I yelled goodbye to Lucas and got into the car. Peyton came too. Once we reached the mall we got out of the car. To my dismay we saw Rachel and Riley walking towards.

"Careful guys, you might get slut disease. Look what's coming our way." Brooke said as she pointed at the pair.

"Haley are you ok?" Peyton asked.

My breathing was starting to speed up. I could feel a panic attack coming on. Riley always did that to me, and I hated her for it. She had a gift for picking out your insecurities and taunting you about them. The girls knew the things she had been saying to me. I hadn't told them. Hell I hadn't even told Lucas or even Nathan. They happened to hear one of our encounters.

I was walking to my locker one day after cheerleading. The hallways were empty. Or at least I thought they were. Suddenly Riley stepped out of the girls bathroom walked right into me.

"Ugh what are u doing here? Shouldn't you be at home talking to your books?" She said.

Little did I know Brooke and Peyton were just around the corner listening. Brooke wanted to go beat the crap out of her but Peyton said to wait a minute.

"Um no um I was just getting something from my l locker" I said stuttering.

"Well would you look at poor Haley James. All nervous without someone to protect you. Haven't you figured out that Nathan will get bored of you soon. Your nothing more than a new toy to him. Which is ironic because you seem pretty broken to me. Like, one more thing happened and you'll break. Oh and don't even get me stared on Brooke and Peyton. God knows why their friends with you. All you need to know for now is that Nathan will be mine. And-"

I left I had to. I ran into the girls bathroom and locked the door. I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down. My breathing got faster the room started spinning. I felt trapped. Then I heard a knock at the door.

"Haley are you in there? It's Brooke and Peyton. You don't have to worry about Riley Forbes. I took care of her." Brooke said proudly.

I took the lock off the door and they opened it to see me with tears running down my face, trembling. How could Nathan like this girl? She was so cruel. But I couldn't tell him. He wouldn't believe me anyways. So much for always being able to come to him for this.

End of flashback-

"Well would you look what we have here Rachel. A little nerd in her unnatural habitat " Riley said with a laugh.

"You know what Riley, this is a really rare sight. We should inform the pound so they can take this bitch in though. Wouldn't want her on the loose." Rachel replied.

"Peyton do you have any sunglasses I think I'm being blinded by slut?" Brook said covering her eyes with her hand.

"Come on Haley, Brooke. If you stay near them too long you get infected." Peyton said with a smirk as she guided me and Brooke away. I had remained silent the whole time.

"Now Haley. Are you ok? We're so sorry she decided to target you. You have don't nothing to deserve it. But life is a bitch and so is she." Brooke said trying to comfort me.
I tried the tears from my now red and puffy eyes.

"I just want to go home. I'll see you later." I said quietly. I started to walk home in the rain. I saw a familiar car pull up beside me.

"Hop in James." Nathan said as he opened the door. I didn't want him to see that I was upset so I hid my face.

"No it's fine, I'll walk."

"No. No you will not walk. Hop in what's the problem?" He said sensing something was wrong.

"There's no problem just leave me alone." I said harshly. I had no right to be angry. You can't choose who you like. I know that better than anyone. But I couldn't stop thinking the things she said were true. So I ran. I ran home as quickly as I could. Ran upstairs and locked the door. I also closed my window and curtains knowing Nathan would be climbing up soon. I would let him in tonight. Just not now. Now I needed time to think.

That's it guys. Chapter over. Hope you like it. Any suggestions are welcome. Please comment and vote 😘
Sorry for the long wait

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