Chapter 3

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It was the night of Brooke's party and Haley had to admit that she was nervous. Brooke had just picked Haley up to bring her to her house, where the party was being held, to get ready with Brooke and Peyton. While Lucas was gone Haley had developed a habit of getting very nervous and freaking out over small things. It was a big change for a 15 year old to handle.

The car ride was pleasant. Haley liked Brooke. She couldn't find anything not to like and could see her being a really good friend, as well as Peyton. She did feel more connected to Peyton though.
Once at Brooke's house the girls emptied out of the car and towards the mansion of a house. "Wow" Haley said as she looked at the house in awe. "Pretty awesome place for a party right?" Brooke said with a wink. The girls went straight up to Brooke's bed room and started looking for something to wear. After they had decided Payton and Brooke's outfits for her wardrobe it was time to decide Haley's. Brooke kept suggesting things that were not at all Haley's style until she finally suggested an amazing black body con dress that suited Haley down to the ground. It wasn't too short or too long or too conservative or too showy. "IT'S PERFECT" Brooke screamed. And Haley and Peyton had to agree. They then started to to Haley's make up. Nothing too over the top just a nice subtle smokey eye and some foundation. Once they were finished with Haley they moved on to Themselves. Brooke wore a red v neck dress and Peyton wore black jeans and a blue top. The three had to admit they looked pretty good.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The girls went down and behind the door stood Lucas and a handsome guy with raven black hair and piercing blue eyes who Haley assumed to be Nathan. "Haley this is Nathan Scott, my brother. Nathan this is Haley James." Lucas said. Nathan outstretched his hand and Haley gladly shook it. Nathan couldn't seem to take his eyes off Haley. "Hey nice finally to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from Lucas, it's nice to be able to put a face to a name." Haley said with a smile. Nathan wondered what Lucas had told her but decided against asking.
The five teens split up around the house setting up for the party. The people would start arriving at 7 so they had a little over an hour to prepare. The guys started bringing in some of the drinks while the girls set up the table for DJ who had just arrived.
An hour later the doorbell rang and the first set of guests arrived. Within half an hour the house was packed with teens having the night of their lives. It was a Brooke Davis party after all. After a while of dancing with the girls, Haley had decided to step out for a while to get some air. Brooke was gone making sure there was enough drink and Peyton had gone to dance with Lucas. There was no doubt that they would get together eventually.
As Haley was walking around she walked straight into someone and was about to fall until she felt a hand under her. Looking up she saw the same piercing blue eyes she saw earlier. "Oh God I'm so sorry Nathan and I wasn't looking where I was going and I just came out to get some" " It's fine, really don't worry about it." Nathan cut Haley off from her rambling. He slightly chuckled when he saw her cheeks go a bit red. "Weren't enjoying the party too much?" He asked. "No I was I just wanted to get some air. There's too many people in there for my liking. "You wanna take a walk with me?" Nathan asked. He wanted to get away from the party. Once you go to as many party's as he had you kind of get bored. "Sure, why not?" Haley said with a smile. She liked Nathan. She could really see him being a good friend. She immediately felt like she could talk to him about anything. Maybe even the thing she never told Lucas. Hopefully he wouldn't find out on his own.

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