Chapter 10

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Later that night~
Nathan's POV
It was 2am and I couldn't stop thinking about Haley. No not in that way! Why was she so upset with me? I couldn't think of anything I've done wrong. I was going to go straight to her house after out argument but I knew Haley and I knew exactly what she would do after she ran. She would go to her room and lock her door and window to stop me and Luke coming in. Then she would unlock it tonight incase I came over. And that's exactly what I did.

I walked over to Haley's and checked to see if the window was locked. I was right. It wasn't. I climbed in and see Haley isn't in bed. I saw the light on in her bathroom and open the door. She's crying on the floor. She doesn't even notice me walk in. I sit down beside her and put my arm around her.

"What are you doing here? It's late you should be asleep I'm fine." She says quietly and try's to hide her tear stained face.

"This is the only place I want to be. Now are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I ask seriously.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing is wrong Nathan. Just go to sleep. I'm fine-" I cut her off.

"No. Actually Haley there is something wrong. Stop lying to me. I swore I would always protect you I swore! But how can I protect you if you won't tell me what's going on!" I say slightly raising my voice.

"I'm sorry for yelling but I hate seeing you like this. Has someone said something?" I ask

"No it's fine. Please Nathan just leave it alone. Go home. I don't even know why your friends with me. I'm not cool like you. I'm not athletic like you. I'm not funny like you and I'm sure as hell not confident like you. So let me put you out of your misery. I'm bringing down you reputation and we both know it. Just leave Nathan now." She says still sobbing but trying so hard not to.

"You want to know why I'm friends with you? I'll tell you. I'm friends with you because you have the biggest heart I've ever seen. Because your kind, compassionate, you always listen to my problems even when you have bigger ones. Because your the least selfish most loving person I know. I'm friends with you because you are the ONLY and I mean the ONLY person I can be myself around. That is why your my best friend Hales." When I'm finished she is silent on the edge of tears.

"I'm sorry" she says and opens the window. She walks over to her bed on my side. I know this is a sign she wants me to leave. I don't understand why though. I climb out the window and go home. I lie awake all night. I just lost my best friend.

Haley's POV
I spend the whole night crying. I had to do it. If I didn't he would just grow to hate me. Riley got her way. She won. I know I didn't deserve him anyways.

1week later

I've been made fun of constantly. The jocks keep making fun on me because I don't have Nathan with me. I pushed Brooke and Peyton away. I didn't want to. I kept ignoring them, not showing up for plans or cheerleading and not leaving the house only for school. Riley and Rachel haven't stopped. Nathan has started dating Riley though and it breaks my heart every single day. He hasn't even tried to talk to me.
I was walking to my locker when two of the jocks come up to me.

"Poor little Haley James. No Brooke, no Peyton, no Nathan to protect you. What ever are you going to do?" I start to panic as one of them moves closer. I start shaking.

"Please just leave me alone. Please." I beg

"No I don't think I will. See your all alone now and-" suddenly he was slammed into a locker beside me. I look up to see who did it and I saw Nathan.

Nathan's POV

I heard crying and run around the corner. I was so angry at what I saw. Haley pushed up against her locker by that douche Josh from basketball. I run up and slam him against the locker.

"Don't you ever go near her again or you will won't be able to walk away next time. Scratch that. You won't be able to walk. I am going to let you go and give you five seconds to go away right now." I let go and start counting.

"Five, four, three, two" and there gone. Running as fast as there legs can take them. I see Haley crying on a bench.

"Why did you do that?" She whispers. Even crying she looks beautiful. I know I shouldn't have these thoughts. I'm going out with Riley and I wanted it so long but I don't even like her anymore. The week without Haley made me realise who I really like.

"What do you mean your one of the most important people in my life. Why wouldn't I?" I ask.

"Because you don't care anymore. Or you shouldn't care." She says and looks down. That hurt I'm not going to lie that really hurt. I grab her hand softly.

"Don't ever say that I don't care. Ever. I mean it. A week without you has been a week in hell. It put everything into perspective." I say

"What do you mean?" She asks

"I mean I like you Haley. I like you a lot. And i know you don't feel the same way but I can't help it." I say

"No, no, no you can't like me. No they'll kill me. This can't be happening." She says. I'm immediately alarmed.

"Who!" I shout

"I cant tell you." She says and runs off. She expected me to stay but not this time. I ran after her. I was going to get answers if it was the last thing I ever did.



Anyways I was wondering if you want me to write another story. I have all me fave tv shows/movies in my bio so if you want me to write any of them please comment or message me. I was thinking of either doing kol and davina from the originals or finn and Rachel from glee. Would anyone read one of those?

Anyways hope you love the chapter. Please vote and comment. x

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