1~A leap of faith

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I whimper as I throw another one of my tops into my suitcase. I leave in three hours, I am so excited-I try to tell myself. Many would be really happy to leave home, but not me. Leaving is just going to add to my burdens. Regardless, of what may happen I have to go.

 I already applied for a job and I have an interview tomorrow morning, I know not the way you would want to spend your first day away from home, but it's life and life is tough, you don't always get what you want.

Ding dong, ding dong

I hear the doorbell ring, it's probably Esther, my best friend, we are leaving together. I met Esther in second grade after she stood up for me when the other kids were bullying me because of my lunch. My lunch was always different from the other kids because of my background. The other kids would bring a peanut butter sandwich and I would bring "Bannan" (plantain) with fish. Esther stood up for me and we've been inseparable ever since. We were so happy when we both got accepted to the same school.

Disturbing me from my thoughts, I hear footsteps rushing up the stairs and before I could say anything my door opens and Esther is jumping on me on my bed.

"We are finally going to college, Marie!" She yells in excitement. "We get to be with college boys and go to clubs, and the best part is we get to do it together!"

"Okay, I get it, now get off of me," I say with no excitement whatsoever. I'll admit it I was excited but not like Esther. She is too happy. She wants to leave home and party all night that's all she's been thinking about all summer especially after her dad gave her an eleven pm curfew.
In the other hand, me all I could think about is leaving home and being on my own. All I could think about is if I'll get the job, I applied for. If I don't get that job, I'm done, I'll probably have to move back home.

"You're no fun," Esther says sarcastically. "So, since we're moving a week early, I came up with things to do all week" Typical Esther.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to an interview tomorrow. If I get the job I'll start working, if not I'll be applying to new ones all week."

"Marie, you promised we would have some fun once we left," Esther says with her puppy eyes staring at me. I could tell that she wanted me to postpone the job search. Unlike me Esther did not have to work hard she's an only child in a middle-class family. While I'm the first child in a lower class family with six kids.

I know what you're thinking, why did my parents have six kids when we're a lower class family? Well, both my mom and my dad were an only child. They always felt lonely so they wanted to make sure their kids did not feel the same way. I thank God that they did because I love a big family. I love my siblings and we have much fun. Plus, we weren't always a lower class family

My dad passed away four years ago and I had to start working to help my mom support the family. Leaving is not good for the family, but UF has been my dream college since I was ten and my mom begged me to go. She promised everything would be alright.

"Earth to Marie, hello, Marie?" Esther says bringing me down to earth. She probably has been talking for a while. I mean, she's my best friend, but the woman can talk. Most of the time, my mind always wanders away. "So, no job till next month, deal?"

"Esther, how we gonna pay for rent if we not working?"

"Remember my dad said he'll take care of the apartment, so we don't have to work."

"You know I didn't agree on that. He can pay your half and I'll pay my half"

"Come on, Marie. Stop being so stubborn, when someone does something nice, just say thank you for god's sake." Esther was now yelling at me. She was already mad, we discussed this, and she still went behind my back.
We both had a full scholarship to UF and her dad said he would pay for our apartment and send us money monthly for other stuff. So, we could focus on school, not work.

I know the idea sounds nice, but who's going to pay for law school when I'm done with college. I wanted to start working to save money and I wanted to pay for my own apartment. I do not want to be anybody's charity's case.

I'm too stubborn, that's what both my family and Esther says. They think I should just enjoy it when someone's doing something nice for me.
"Yeah, whatever," I was planning on going for the job behind her back like she did to me.


 It's time to go, I hear Esther yell to me from downstairs. I was done with my packing, everything was already in the car, but I had to give my room a second look.

Coming downstairs I hug my siblings and I tell my sister to take care of my room, and mom. Finally, I hug my mom. Tears were coming down my mom's cheek. "Call, if you need help, mom. Remember our deal" I whisper into her ears as I hug her.

My mom and I had made a deal. She promised to call me if she needed any help whatsoever and that I would come home and go to a nearby college if things got really bad without me. That's the only way she would get me to go. I promised dad that I would look after the family, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

My mom lets me go and wipe her tears, "Go and make me proud."

I get in the passenger seat of Esther's car and off we go. I look back to see my family waving bye to me. After a few seconds, I could no longer see them, they were gone. I was sitting in the car, driving leaving away from my family, my childhood home. Going to a completely different place. I do not know how it would be.

But... I was taking a leap of faith.


First Chap...tell me what you guys think.

Au Revoir...

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