35~We got her.

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Dylan's POV

"Goodnight," I tell Marie-Anne as I leave her room.

"Goodnight Dylan, I had fun today, thanks for babysitting me," she says sarcastically.

"Anytime," I tell her and leave. "Hey Esther, I'm leaving," I tell Esther that was sitting in the living room. "You wear glasses now?" I ask her.

"I lost my contacts this morning while I was-" she stops and smiles at me. "You know that's none of your business," she says. I know she was about to say while she was having sex.

"Okay, anyways bye," I tell her leaving the apartment. I take my phone out and dial Bex's number. "Bex, I got you something," I tell her as soon as she answers the phone.

"It better be good, I been reviewing everything but nothing stands out," she says over the phone.

"I'll be there in a sec," I tell her hanging up the phone. I get in my car and make my way to Bex's house.


"Mhmm, this is so good," I moan, "thank you Anna, I haven't had a home cooked meal in so long." I say sitting on the island in Bex's kitchen. Bex sits across from me and looks at me like I am crazy.

"You don't cook no more?" She asks.

"I do, but I been busy," I tell her putting some of my spaghetti in my mouth.

"Okay, let's get back to work," she says getting back to her researching.

"Okay," I say grabbing my mom's tablet, "the day my mom took the money out of the bank and the day of the accident, her schedule says she was meeting HM at the park."

"Mhmm, that's not good enough, who's HM?" She asks.

"I don't know, but it can stand for hit man,"  I tell her taking a guess.

"Or Henderson Maxwell," she says making up a name.

"Bex," I say and she looks up from her laptop, "my mom hates the park, she hates fresh air, as kids she would never take us to the park for that reason."

"You're right, did she say what park she was going to?"

"No, but there is only one park that is close to us," I tell her.

"Devil's Millhopper," she says looking up, "Dylan that park is huge though."

"Yeah, that's why I pulled her GPS from her car to see where she was that day," I pull up the map from the GPS and see where she was parked. "She was parked in the west side," I inform her.

"I can try to pull the security camera footages from these days," she tells me.

"Don't you need a warrant for that or something?" I ask her.

"Dylan, it's so funny that you still doubt me, I don't need warrants," she says laughing.

"Do we have to do a little B&E?" I ask her knowing Bex.

"Breaking and entering? Really? No, I can do that from my dad's computer, the thing is their security cameras are also viewed as public cameras," she says typing something in her laptop.

"And how can you access that?" I ask unsure of where was this going.

"My dad's computer is connected to every camera that is in this country, all you have to do is type the location you want to see," she says finally looking up from her screen.

"Okay," I say still confuse.

"The thing is Dylan, there are cameras everywhere, like cameras from the traffic lights, you can see that through homeland security too," she says. "My dad is already asleep, all I have to do is break into his office."

"Bex, your dad's office door is always open, that is not breaking in. If only he knew what you do to his computer," I tell her.

"Not my fault that his password is my name," she says getting up to leave, "Dylan come so I can show you how the experts work." She says and I get up and follow her, we tippy toe upstairs to her dad's home office. She sits in her dad's chair and type the password to her dad's computer. After a few minutes security footage from the park start appearing.

"What day and time was your mom at the park?" She asks.

"Try the fifteenth of January around four thirty," I tell her and she types the information in. Moments after security footage from that day appears in the screen. We watch the footages until we spot my mom walking with a guy, "can you get a different angle?" I ask her so we can see the guy's face. His hoodie was blocking his face from the camera, my mom hands him a small bag and they talk for a while. "Yes," there she is giving him the money.

"That doesn't prove anything Dylan, she might have handed him a bag of clothes or something," Bex says raining on my parade. "There you go," she says pulling a different angle. The guys face appears in the camera and she pauses it.

"Wait, that's Miguel Alvarez," Bex says.

"You know him?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's one of the best hit mans in this state and he is wanted in like ten other states," she says. "Not killing is not his style,  he never leaves a living victim," she adds.

"Then why didn't he kill Marie-Anne?" I ask her.

"I don't know, maybe the cops were coming." She says taking a wild guess.

"Is that enough for the police to get my mom?" I ask her.

"Yes, Miguel is wanted. Even if we can't prove that she hired him, she might get arrested for associating with him, that's a felony. However, she can always say that she didn't know he was a fugitive, but I think we got too much coincidence for the police to ignore."

"You sure?" I ask her to double check.

"Yep," she says emphasizing on the p. The door opens and Bex's dad walks in.

"Rebecca, what are you doing on my computer?" He asks angrily.

"Daddy, my laptop was acting up and I wanted to see if my teacher got my email about me not being in school," she lie.

"Oh okay, Bex I don't like you being in my computer. There's things in there that you can't see," he says. Bex starts closing the tabs and gets up.

"I know, sorry daddy it won't happen again," she says giving her dad a hug.

"And Dylan, what are you doing here?" He asks looking at me.

"Well I-I-"

"We're catching up dad, let's go," she says pulling my hands. I nod my head and excuse myself from the room, "you really need to work on your lying," she whispers to my side.

We reach downstairs and we go back to kitchen and I continue my food. "We got her Dylan, we got her."

"Yes, we do," I say with a sigh of relief.

"Here," she says handing me her flash drive which probably contains the video footage. How did she even get that.

"You don't want to go to the police station with me?" I ask her.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she says taking a bite of her food.


Finally, Kim might be going to jail. Yayy.


Au Revoir...

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