24~x-mas day

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Dylan's POV  (unedited)

"So, what movie do you wanna watch?" I ask Marie-Anne as I log into my Netflix account.

"Um... what about 'The Notebook'?" She asks with a smirk.

I ignore her because I know she is kidding. She know danm right I ain't gonna be watching a movie that'll make me cry. It's a happy day, it's the day that Jesus Christ was born, can't we be happy during the day.

"Or we can watch 'Titanic'," she suggest after she noticed that I ignored her.

"Marie-Anne, we ain't gonna be watching no romance movie," I inform her just to make sure she knows where I fall.


"No, buts," I cut her off before she can continues.

"Okay fine," she say in defeat, "what do you want to watch?"

"What about we watch 'The Passion of the Christ' or something? It is his day after all," I say staring into her dark brown eyes.

"Dylan, you not finna chose today to be a Christian, we are not watching that movie."

Okay fine, you wanna watch porn or something?" I ask in a serious tone.

She notices how serious I am and choses to ignore me. Why can't we watch porn, there isn't anything wrong with it I thought. I sigh and hand her the laptop so she can chose a movie. Every time, we have to watch a movie together it is always the same thing, we can never chose.

I'm usually more stubborn and get to chose, but it is Christmas I'm in a good spirit. Plus she's only not home with her family because she felt bad that I didn't have a family to celebrate Christmas with. Now she is laying down on my sofa probably regretting that she didn't go home.

"Okay, I found a movie!" She yells in excitement.

"What's the movie?" I ask touching her beautiful curls.

"Get out," she replies and I immediately roll my eyes at her even though she can't see me.

She gets up from where she was laying down on me and gives me her puppy dog eyes so we can watch it.

"Marie-Anne, we are not watching that movie," I say not giving in.

"Please," she say now pouting her lips.

"No," I say still not giving in. She leans over kissing me and caressing my cheeks, "I'm not changing my mind the answer is still no," I tell in between the soft kisses.

"What can I do to change your mind?" She ask.

"N-nothing," I tell as she places kisses all over my neck and finding my sweet spot.

"You sure?" She ask again. I nod my head and she starts caressing my chest, "okay fine, you win," I say finally giving in so she can stop. I don't know why she was doing that, she knows it will only lead only one way. Me being horny and wanting her. And of course we can't have sex, we're not serious enough, her words not mine. According to her, we are not serious enough until we're married. I mentally roll my eyes at her and she starts the movie.

"Thanks," she says kissing my lips and turning her gaze back to the movie. She goes back to laying on my stomach and I close my eyes hoping to get some sleep as she watch the movie that might cause our relationship to end out of fear.


"So, did you enjoy the movie?" She ask after the movie finally ended.

"Yeah, sure," I lie.

She rolls her eyes at me knowing that I didn't even watch the movie. She gets up from me and crosses her legs sitting like a little kid on the sofa. She wanders away thinking about something really deep. I lay observing her every feature: her pouted lips, her curls that were all over the place.

"So, did your sister like the sewing machine you got her?" She ask out of no where.

"Yeah, she loved it," I say thinking about the call I got earlier with my sister squealing.

"Mhmm," she says wandering to space again.

"Marie-Anne," she turns and looks at me, "you know how we said no gifts?"

"Yeah," she says grabbing her phone.

"Well, I got you something," I say.

"We said no gifts Dylan," she say her eyes on her phone.

"I know, I'm sorry," I apologize, "here," I hand her the tiny box I grabbed from my pocket.

She observes the tiny black box and opens it taking out the beautiful gold locket that was inside. "I hope you like it," I tell as she still observes it. She opens the locket and notices the picture that was inside it and smiles. It was a picture I had taken of us together at our first date. Behind the locket was our initials. When she noticed that she smiles again.

"I love it," she finally says and I take the locket putting it on her neck then kissed her.

"Dylan, you know how next week is my birthday?" She ask. I nod my head, how could I forget? Her birthday is January first, "well, I've never spent a birthday or new years without my family." She adds.

I nod my head unsure of where this conversation was going, "well, I was thinking I would drive home to be with my family on the thirty first," she says.

"Mhmm okay," I say with a little sadness that she was going to leave.

"I want you to come," she tells me and I look at her to make sure I was hearing what she was saying clearly.

"I don't think that's a good idea Marie-Anne, remember what happened last time?" I ask remembering what happened with my parents.

"But, it'll be different. My family will love you," she says trying to assure me, "please come with me," she says looking into my eyes.

"Yeah sure," I tell her and immediately regretting what I got myself into.

"Thanks," she says giving me a small hug.

What did I just get myself into?

Please check out my new book 'Lost in Love'

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