5~Don't judge a book by its cover.

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I remember many things about my father. Some good, some bad. I remember how he treated my mom with such care. I remember how he used to pick me up and throw me in the air when I was little making my mom scream. I remember his sweet voice. I remember how he used to get himself drunk whenever he was stress. But, most importantly I remember the life lessons he taught me.

I remember he told me to always be open minded. He told me to always be nice to everyone no matter what. He told me to always treat others with respect. He told me not to judge a book by its cover.

When he use to always tell me not to judge a book by its cover I use to always ask him how. I mean first impressions are everything. It's how someone represents themselves to let you know what type of person they are. But, later in life, after he died. I finally figured out what he meant. My freshman year in high school, I finally knew.

It was all because of Paul, who would have thought love can be so wrong, love can betray you? Many ask how I'm still standing, still positive. Well, I'm not that girl who hides, who starts hating herself for a mistake that happened in high school. I'm not that weak, although it still haunts me till today, I still don't trust easily, but I use all that pain, all that hate, all the tears, I use them for the good.

I used them as a motivation to be a lawyer, to defend those who can't defend themselves.

I've moved on, I mean try to move on. That's why I decided to help Dylan. I mean he probably really needs the help. I took my dad's words and trusted him. I mean he looks like those rich popular kids who just want to fuck the girls. But, I won't judge him base on what he looks like, I'll be positive.

"Annie, get ready we going to a party tonight." Disturbing from my thoughts was Esther. She still calls me that name. I rolled my eyes at her and she jumped on me on the couch I was sitting on causing my coke to spill. My baby, no one plays with my food and gets away with it. I quickly pushed her off me and started tickling her, something she hates.

"Marie, stop. Please!" She says between the laughs and cries. I got off of her and reply to her.

"E, didn't I tell I'm helping that boy study for a test, um what's his name again? I think Dylan, yes I'm helping Dylan study."

"Ohh, you have a study date," she says emphasizing the date part.

"Yes, a study date. It's almost five, I have to shower and get on my way."

"So, I'm going to the party by myself?"

"Yes, and please no drinking, you got class tomorrow morning and be home by eleven," I say with my mature voice.

"Yes, mom," she says sarcastically.

I then walk to my room and hopping in the shower.

After my long shower, I look at the time and see that it is four forty. Oh, I have twenty minutes to get ready. I go to my closet and pick up the first things that I see. I wear some white rip jeans with my red Miami Heat shirt. I wear my red and white Jordans and let my curls fall on my back. I rush out the door with my book bag.
When I reach the coffee shop it was already ten minutes after five. Gosh.. I'm late. I hate being late to places. I look around the shop and see Dylan already sitting waiting for me.

I walked over to the table he was sitting and smiled at him sitting down.

"Sorry, I'm late. I'm not usually late, I just, um... Sorry, no excuses." I say blabbering. I'm sure he thought I was crazy now.

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