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Marie-Anne's POV

Esther walks in the door after I made that jerk leave, I don't even think I remember his name.

"How you feeling?" Esther asks as she takes a seat next to me on the bed.

"I am fine," I say honestly, my head just hurts a little bit after that I feel fine.

"The doctor says that we could go home tomorrow, it'll be best to rest from there," she says. I nod my head and try to imagine myself living somewhere else away from my parents, that's awful. "So, what do you think of Dylan?"

"Dylan?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's your boyfriend, you didn't ask him his name did you?" She asks and I nod my head. That's so stupid of me, I should have asked him his name, he sure does know mine. "Yeah, so what do you think about him?" She asks getting back to the subject.

"I don't know, he seems fine."

"Girl, he is more than fine. You are in love with him," she says in a different tone. I scoff at the thought of me being in love with him. Esther is probably exaggerating, she loves doing that, "you told me yourself," she adds once she notice that I am ignoring her.

"Did we... you know," I say referring to did we sleep together.

"No, you guys didn't," she says, "and Dylan supported your stupid waiting thing."

"I'm sure he got it somewhere else," I mumble to myself. One thing I know about boys is that they don't like waiting.

"No, he didn't," Esther tells me.

"Then, who's Rebecca?" I ask her and her face expression drops and she starts laughing at me.

"Don't tell me you're jealous of Rebecca?" She asks still laughing.

"Well, shouldn't I be?" I ask in a worried tone.

"No, she's Dylan's closest friend or something like that. You told me that Dylan used to talk about her all the time," she says. I guess I was exaggerating, "trust me, you got nothing to worry about," she adds. 

"It's getting really late, Imma go home to get some rest, I'll come pick you up tomorrow," she says getting up and giving me a hug.

"Yeah, goodnight."

"Goodnight and Dylan told me to tell you goodnight for him," she says, "such a gentleman," she adds opening the door and walking out. I chuckle at her and lay down to get some sleep.

Dylan's POV

My alarm wakes me up and I look at the time to see that it is almost nine. I get up and head to the shower. After my shower I blow dry my hair, put on a tank top with a jacket and a pair of wash out jeans. I grab an apple on my counter and grab my phone and keys to head to Bex's place.

After the twenty minutes drive I reach her place and one of her housekeeper's open the door, "hey Anna," I say greeting her, "where's Bex?"

"She is in the dining room, sir," she says.

"Ah, stop the formality, I'll make my way there thank you," I say kindly. I hum 'Issues' by Julia Michaels in my head as I make my way through the long hallway.

'Cause I got issues

But you got 'em too

So give 'em all to me

And I'll give mine to you

Bask in the glory

Of all our problems

'Cause we got the kind of love

It takes to solve 'em

My singing is interrupted when I  hear laughter coming from the dining room.

"Dylan, I didn't know you were joining us," Bex's father says between laughs as I walk into the dining room. Bex and her father are seated across from each other while they dine. Bex stops her laughter once she notices me.

"Hi, I am not. I am just simply here to see Rebecca, I'll wait," I say about to exit the room.

"We are done, Bex you may be excused," his father says and Bex nods her hand thanking her father. She follows me out of the dining room, "stop the formality," she whispers to my side causing me to chuckle. Using my words against me.

"Why are you wearing heals just to have dinner with your father?" I ask her when I notice her outfit. This girl is in heels just for a simple dinner, that is Rebecca for you.

"Well, I wanted to go to that French restaurant they just opened but I found out that you have to make your reservations forty-eight hours in advance," she informs me. We exit the hallway and make our way up the stairs.

"Bex, you're back in Gainesville," I tell her. Almost every restaurant here requires you to make your reservation a week in advance. She nods her head in a disappointment. "Oh, you have to come to dinner with me tomorrow at my parents, I'll pick you up and can my grandparents stay at your place once I pick them up tomorrow?"

"Um... sure, don't worry about it, I'll have my driver pick them up and bring them here," she says once we reach the top of the stairs.

"Thank you and can we talk about why I'm here and not in my bed sleeping?" I ask her and she laughs at my stupidity.

"I actually regret you coming," she says, "I just wanted to apologize, I'm sorry about earlier," she says and I nod in agreement.

"Mhmm, it's fine, you are forgiven. You were just in the heat of a moment, it's what happens when people hold their feeling inside," I tell her with a smirk. Her jaw drops and she huffs at me, I love teasing her.

"In your dreams Dylan, now why don't you leave?" She asks. "You are so full of yourself," she adds.

"Thank you," I reply with a hint of sarcasm, "now goodnight Rebecca, I'll see you tomorrow." I say walking down the staircase I just walked on minutes ago. "Be ready at seven!" I yell to her on top of the staircase.

"Whatever Dylan," she says.

"You know Rebecca I-I," I look at her from the bottom of the stairs, "nothing," I add after looking at her for a while.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Nothing Rebecca, nothing," I tell her and I open the door to leave. It's nothing, never was nothing and always will be nothing.


What's up with Dylan and his nothings?

*IMPORTANT* If I were to make a sequel would you guys be open to reading it? Yes or No? Comment.

Au revoir...

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