4~What's my name??

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^pic of Dylan


After the argument at dinner, I left to my apartment. It's been three weeks of school and everything is going great. I'm away from my family, I finally have some freedom. I've been keeping a low profile and that means not talking during class, not asking questions, and sitting in the back seat. I haven't gone to any parties nor any get-togethers. I have just been trying to focus on school and staying unnoticed.
Oh my God, it's already nine AM and I have a class at nine thirty and I was still in bed. I quickly get up, brush my teeth, and hop in the shower. After my cold shower, I throw on the first things I notice from my closet which were some black jeans and a V-neck gray sweater. Without even eating breakfast I get in my car and drive away.

I get there two minutes before time. I've been almost late to all my classes since I started school. When I use to live at home, my mother used to make my schedules and she'd make sure I was early to everything. I guess she was sometimes good as a mother.

I get into the classroom and sit waiting for my middle-aged English teacher to show up. When she finally did she gave a long ass lecture about some crap. I'm sorry I wasn't listening I was so distracted thinking about me leaving home. Did I make the right decision? Was I overreacting about my old life? What the heck am I doing with my life? Will I go back begging my parents to come back home? What type of lifestyle am I living with no friends nor family?

I get distracted from my thoughts when I see a caramel skinned girl sitting in the first row. Her hands haven't stopped moving for a second, she is just writing away everything the teacher is saying. From my seat, I could see her beautiful tawny curls falling down her back.

I spend the whole time in class staring at the girl, I do not know why, but I can't take my eyes off her. I just need to see her face, how does the face of this mysterious girl look. From the back, I could tell she was pretty. The time comes for the class to end; the last thing I hear the teacher say is that we had our first test, next class. Shit, I haven't paid any attention in this class.

That's what I get for leaving home, almost being late to every class and now failing the first test I have. I need someone to lend me their notes or help me study or something. We are dismissed, I look around the room to find someone to lend me the notes, then I remember the girl. She probably has every single word the teacher has ever said. If only I could find her, I look around the room, but she had already left. I quickly take my things, which was my phone and a binder, and run after her.

When I reach out the building, I see her getting into her car, I run and stop her.

"Can I help you?" She aks. She is the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Her hair is a rich shade of mahogany. It flows in curls to adorn her glowing, caramel skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, are light brown and seem to brighten the world. A straight nose that matches her high cheekbones perfectly, full lips - she seems the picture of perfection. She has some ripped jeans on and a red polo shirt, I love how she dresses. She isn't dressed like those needy slutty whores showing off all their skin.

"Excuse me, you need something?" She asks raising her eyebrow at me.

"Um.... Yeah, I was wondering if you'd helped me study."

"Um....  I'm pretty busy, I don't think so."

"Please, can you help me? I'm just having a hard time. you pay a lot of  attention, I thought you would help me."

"Ohh, and how you know I pay attention?" She asks her voice full of sarcasm.

"I see you in class, you're a true scholar."

"Well, if you weren't paying attention to me paying attention, maybe you would have paid attention too. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess, " I say unsure of what was the question.

"Now, bye. Good luck." She is now trying to get into her car, I could not let that happen. I grab her hands, holding them. She gives a look of are you trying to rape me?

"Please, please, I'm begging you, please help me." I get on on one knee. I didn't just want her help, I wanted to get her to go on a date with me. The girl I just met, I didn't even know her name. I can be overly dramatic sometimes.

"Okay, fine. Meet me at the coffee shop at five later."

"Okay, thank you. By the way, I'm Dylan Argent, what's you name?" Gosh, I made the mistake again I told her my last name.

"I'm Marie-Anne." Oh, she didn't even notice the last name. Most girls I tell my full name to go on giggling and blushing over me. But, of course, she didn't. She's not most girls. She's different.

"Anne's your last name."

"No, that's my first name, last name is private. I think we're on a first-name basis. For all, I know you could be a rapist or a killer."

"Wow, don't you just speak your mind," I say sarcastically.

"Yes, I do. Anyways, I really must go, bye. See you later." I wave my hand bye to her. She then entered her car. I thought she would have started her car and left. But, she tries to start the car, but it wouldn't start. I knock on her window.

"Would you like a ride home? I'll take your car to the mechanics if you want."

"No, I can fix, but I just need to get home for work."

"You can fix your car?"

"Yeah, why do you sound so surprised, is it because I'm a woman?" I hope I could tell her no, but it was true. I am not sexist or anything, but a woman mechanic? That's surprising.

"I use to work as a mechanic's assistant back home." She says breaking the silence.

"Oh, okay. Please let me drop you home." She thinks about for a second then agrees. I open the door and take her hand to let her out of the car.

"So, where's your car?"

"It's right here." I point at the all black mustang car that is across from hers. I hate that car with all my heart. My father had bought it for me for my sixteen birthday. Back then I was so happy to have a car like that, but now I feel like I want to throw up when I see it. It wasn't because it was ugly, it was simply because my parents' money bought it. I hate everything I own that comes from their money.

I go over to the passenger seat to open the door for her. She then slid in, I walked over and started the car.

"Where to?" I ask.

"Two blocks over. I'll let you know when to stop." she takes her phone out. Is she one of those girls who spends all their time on their phone? I hate those type of girls, they're just so ignorant. I am still thinking about it when I hear her talking on the phone about a car. Oh, she was calling a towing company. Good to know.

The rest of the drive was pretty much quite, I try to make small talk, but the girl is just not a talker.

After dropping her off, I say goodbye and remind her of our study date.

I turn my car around and head home. I need some sleep, I really need it.

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