2~New beginnings

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^pic of Marie and Esther. Marie is the one with braids.


After driving for nearly six hours, we finally arrive at our new apartment. The last time we were here was two weeks ago, we had come to get the place ready. Looking at it now, it was the same way we left it.

The apartment has two rooms, two bathrooms, and of course a kitchen. Esther and I decided to paint it a light shade of purple, our two favorite colors mix together, red and blue. We had a one piece sofa and a small brown coffee table. We tried our best to add family photos and little things to make it seem more like home; but we both know the truth, no matter how good we try, this place will never be home.

"Marie, it's almost ten, let's go to sleep and we can settle in tomorrow," Esther suggests while letting out a large sigh.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm really tired, imma go to sleep." I walk over to the room that I'd be calling my bedroom from now on. I had painted the whole room white, and I only have a bed and a dresser in there. Esther begged me to decorate it, but I did not want to. I still feel like this was just a temporary stay that I would leave in a couple of weeks.

I feel so tired from the car ride, I simply lay down and close my eyes, and I am off to another world.


"Marie, Marie, Marie," I hear a light voice say. It sounds like Esther. I open my eyes only to see the sun through the window causing me to quickly turn around. Once I see around, I see Esther sitting on the side of my bed.

"Are we going somewhere"? I quickly ask her when I see her fully dressed.

"Well, yeah, we have to go look around so we can get used to our surroundings.

"Don't you think its too early for that?"

"Annie it's already eleven." Annie? Where did that name come from you might ask? Well, that's what Esther uses to annoy me. I absolutely hate it. And before you say anything it's not part of my name. My name is Marie-Anne, not Marie-Annie. Have you ever watch the movie called Annie?

In case you haven't, the main character in the movie is called Annie. She's an orphan and lives in a foster care home. Basically, in the movie, she gets a chance to stay with a well-known man for publicity. And at the end, she gets adopted. Voila, there's Annie for you.

I'm not an orphan, she knows I hate the name, but she still uses it to torment me. But, I do enjoy the movie. However, the name triggers bad memories for me.

"Marie get up and go get dress. And hurry up"

"Okay, I'm up. Give me fifteen minutes."
After thirty minutes, Esther and I step out our apartment.Our first stop is the coffee shop that was five minutes from the apartment. We buy coffee and head out shortly after.

That's all I remember from the day, all I know after that is that Esther dragged me to so many places and through all the shops at the mall. The cashier at one of the shops even tried to kick us out; she thought we were some high school girls looking around not buying anything which causes Esther to tell her some very colorful words.

The cashier apologized and gave us a discount, she was obviously afraid of Esther and that's why I am currently sitting down on the sofa watching Esther model all the clothes she had bought. It's bad enough that I had to go through it at the mall, but at home too, Jesus.

"Don't say the lord's name in vain," Esther says smirking.

"Oh, was I thinking out loud again?"

"Yep, you are" See the thing is I have a tendency of saying stuff I'm thinking. So far, I haven't said anything bad that affected me except for that time junior year, I told that boy he was ugly, and I would never in a million years even if we were the last two people on Earth go out with him. The worst part is I told him that while he was on his knees holding a rose with chocolate, asking me out on valentines day. Oh... And it was at lunch in the cafeteria.

Poor, Caleb. He ran out crying after that. And he became the laughing stock for the rest of the year, he had to move for senior year. I wasn't lying, he really is ugly, I mean not the face ugly. He's just a snob and he's careless. I wonder if he ever takes a shower? but that does not excuse what I did. I sent him an apologetic email, I hoped he forgave me. Oh, well that's the past.

"What do you think? Does it scream sexy?" Esther asks disturbing me from my train of thoughts.

"E, it's fine, all of them are fine, can we please go make some dinner?" I whine. My stomach has been growling for over an hour now.

"Okay, fine"
After Esther and I became friends I taught her how to cook. Ever since then cooking became one of our hobbies, it's our way of bonding.

Our menu for today was griot with fried plantains. We stayed in the kitchen, laughing, joking around while doing what we do best.

After, we did our favorite part which was eating it. We watched "Boo, A Madea Halloween" by Tyler Perry, our favorite movie this moment. The first time we watched it we laughed so much that we ended up crying. I mean who doesn't love Tyler Perry's Madea movies? If you don't I'll pray for you. God can fix people.

After the movie, E and I fell asleep on the couch hugging.

And this was my new life for now and I am glad that I am walking this road with my sister from another mother, my other half, my best friend.


Hey guys, thanks for reading.

BTW.... Griot is fried pork.
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And if you haven't seen any Tyler Perry Madea movies, please see one. I promise you will die of laughter.

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