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~Dylan's POV~

Knock, knock, knock.

I open my eyes from the distant knock on the door, the sun was already shining through my window. I groan, who the hell has visitors this early in the morning?

When I hear the knock again I realize that it is from my door. I get up and walk to the door opening it revealing the last person I want to see right now.

"Hello brother, you need to walk on these abs." My brother says sarcastically. I look down then noticing that I was still in my boxers.

"Adam, what are you doing here and what do you want?"

"Danm, I can't visit my little bro?" He asks smiling. I'm glad he thinks this is funny cause it's not. He woke me up from my sleep, now he better wants something.

When he sees that I stayed silent, he pushes open the door fully and walks in. I didn't even invite him in. Rude..

"Man, you need a housekeeper. Anyways, we need to talk." He finally says.

"Ever heard of a phone call?" I ask him.

"Dylan, I don't have time to be arguing, it's important."

Hearing this I shut up and waited for him to talk.

"Okay, everyone misses you back home, we need to work on something. You need to at least come to dinner twice a week. Mother would love that."

I broke into laughter, mother would want that. He better come with another excuse. In case he didn't know, I'm not a momma's boy no more.

"If she does why doesn't she just ask?" I ask after my long laughter.

"Come on, Dyl you know she's too stubborn for that." My brother says stating the obvious.

"Okay, fine, I'll come over tonight." Hearing me say that; my brother smiles and quickly walks out the door.

I rub my hands against my face feeling how tired I am. I walk to the kitchen to cook myself some eggs and bacon.
"Hi, Mr. Dylan," one of the maids says in her thick Hispanic accent.

"Hi Isabella," I greet back.

"Dinner start already Mr. Dylan." She Informes me.

"Thank you, I'll see myself to the dining room."

I walk down the halls to the dining room, as I walk my eyes wander to a baby picture of me that was hanging on the wall. I laugh seeing my chubby hairless self.

"Hello, Dylan. Glad you could join us." My father says as I walked in the room.

I nodded my head in agreement and walk over to my seat across from my sister.

"So, I'm sure you know why we asked you to come today?" My father asks.

I look over at my mother and see her with a smile and too much makeup for my taste. Her pale skin is pink from the makeup. And her once beautiful golden hair is now dirty blonde from putting too much crap on it.

"Yes, Adam said mother missed me so much that she was crying herself to sleep so I had to come," I say sarcastically.

"Dylan, we got no time for such jokes." My brother says.

"Okay, our family can't be divided. You and your mother need to make up and talk." My father finally says.

"Dyl, I'll be happy putting everything behind me. After all, you are my son and I miss you, this family misses you." My mother is now talking.

I let her words sink through my mind. She is right, after all, we are family and we can't be divided. Whatever mother did, no matter how bossy she was, I still missed her.

"Yes, mother you are right. I miss you guys, but I'm not moving back home. I want to have dinner with you guys and I want to come to family nights and days." I say eying my sister knowing how much we use to beat the other teams when we paired up.

"Aww, thank goodness." My mother says getting up from her end of the table and walking to me opening up her arms for a hug. I get up from my seat hugging her. I rub my hands against her hair seeing that she was way shorter than me.

She then walks back to her seat.

"So, what have you been up to?" My father asks.

"Um... You know the usual, just school." I lie.

"You should make him tell you about his new girlfriend." My sister says emphasizing on the word girlfriend.

"She's not my girlfriend" I argue back "we've only been to one date."

"Then, why do you keep bragging about her?" She asked.

" I don't brag about her. I just talk about her."

"Okay, and who's that?" My mother asks.

"She's a girl I went on a date with. Her name's Marie." I say letting the events of that night flash through my memory.

"You should bring her for us to meet." My brother says.

Everyone nods their head in agreement.

"It was just one date, guys."

As much as I enjoyed the date and hoped that we could develop a relationship. Marie could not meet my parents, at least not yet anyways. She still did not know where I came from and I tend to keep it like that for a while.

My family's way too crazy and judgmental for her.

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