15~I surely will...

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Dylan's POV

"So, when do we get to meet this new girl that you're seeing?" My curious mother asks as we eat dinner.

"I don't know mother," I say blushing. I'm 'seeing' her.

"Well, I think it's time we meet her," my father adds. We haven't been dating that long, I don't know why they want to meet her, it's not like I asked her to marry me or something.

"Tell you what, we're having a nice family dinner for your mother next week for her birthday. It's just a small gathering with the family and a few of our close friends. You should invite her," my father says. Invite Marie-Anne to my house? That is not a good idea. My mother will start judging her the moment she steps foot inside this house. She'll say that she is not rich so she will never understand us. She will even think she's after our money, I don't think anyone's ready for that yet.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I reply after giving it much thought.

"Come on, no pressure. She'll be surrounded by people so she won't be too nervous." Adam adds.

"Come on, please Dyl, I want to meet her," my sister pleads. Okay, I guess it is time, they were going to meet her some day anyway. I guess that day is going to be a little earlier.

One of the servants come taking my salad plate away and putting down the main dish we are having for today. I take one of the forks, forgetting the proper way to eat, and taking a bite of my lasagna. My mother gives me a death glare, so I fix how I was eating and my poster.


"Hey, what's up?" Marie-Anne answer on the phone with her sleepy voice.

"Um... Just wanted to check in, were you sleeping?"

"No, I was just watching TV. How was dinner with your family?" She asks. I feel so relieved that she knows about everything. Believe it or not, she made me see a whole new side of my family. She showed me that even though they might be different and have different values than me, I'm still a part of them.

"It was fine," I say with a  smile, I wish she could see me, but she couldn't. I adjust my pillow so I could be more comfortable.

"Okay it's pretty late, so I'm going to bed," she says.

"Wait, my family wants you to come to a dinner party we're doing for my mom's birthday," I say without taking any breath.

"Um... Okay. Don't you think that's too soon to meet your family?"

"Yes, I do. But, they really want to meet you and plus my sister wants to if she wants something I have to do it,"

"Aww," she says over the phone.

"What's aww?" I ask unsure of why she said or did that.

"Well, I think it's so sweet that you care about your sister like that and I would love to meet your family," I smile hearing this. Thank goodness, I sure hope she's not disappointed when she meets them.

"Okay, thank you. I'll let you go to sleep. Talk tomorrow."

"Okay, good night,"

"Good night Marie-Anne," I hang up the phone and set it down on my nightstand. I adjust my pillows again then went to another world.


Marie-Anne's POV

"Come on, you look beautiful," Esther tells me one last time. I look at my outfit one last time in the mirror. The white dress hugs my body very nicely. My curls were loose down my back. The dress is fine, my hair is fine, everything is fine, but I can't help but feel like something is wrong. I am nervous about meeting Dylan's family. What if they don't like me?

"They'll love you," Esther says as if reading my mind.

After a few minutes have passed I hear the door bell ring and I go open it; Dylan is out the door holding a white rose, my favorite flower, in his hand. He was wearing a black tuxedo and his hair was gelled down nicely.

"Hey, you look beautiful," he compliments.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself," I grab the flower from his hand and give it to Esther who is behind the door eavesdropping as usual.

"Ready to go?" Dylan asks, "and hi Esther," he waves his hand by the door's frame where Esther's head is visible.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I reply chuckling and heading out the door.

After some time we reach a gate and Dylan talks to the security guy for a while then the gate opens. In front of me is a mansion with flowers of all kinds surrounding it. Dylan drives through the big yard before he finally reaches the front and that's when I get to take a good look at the house. The two-story mansion is painted a light shade of yellow and from where I'm sitting I can see the big balcony that brought out the beauty of the house.

"Hey, I have to go park. You can get out and go I'll catch you inside. Just find my sister," Dylan says.

"Yeah sure," I said after realizing that I am still on Earth. I get out the car and Dylan drives away. It's no big deal, I can just walk in there and I'll find his sister. Everything will be fine. After giving myself a small speech to boost up my confidence I finally get the courage to walk to the door.

At the door is a middle-aged woman with blonde hair greeting the guests. She looks like she was having a full conversation until I show up and the other woman she is talking to signals her.

She turns and looks at me surprised.

"Excuse me," I say but my voice comes out more soft than I intended.

"Oh, you must be one of the servers from the catering company," she sighs after staring at me dumbfounded for a second "honey your entrance is through the back," she says and turns her gaze back to her friend.

I search for words to say, but I don't know what to say. I stand there like a dumb girl who doesn't know how to speak. I turn around to leave, but I am met by Dylan rushing. I sigh in relief and smile at him.

"Dylan dear I see you've made it. Before you come in could you please show this girl where the back entrance is," she tells Dylan. Dylan looks at her then at me then back at her.

"Mother, I see that you've met Marie-Anne," he tells the blonde haired woman in a calm voice "why didn't you tell her who you are?" he whispers to me on the side.

"She didn't give me a chance."

"Well, that's my mother all right," he whispers back.

The woman stares at me looking quite unhappy. When she sees Dylan staring she gets out the way inviting us in. As I walk I could still sense her staring and whispering things to her friend. Well, this ought to be fun.


Um... Awkward moment, meeting the fam. That is never a good experience. We'll see what happens on the next update.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment and vote.

Au revoir😘😘

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