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Marie-Anne's POV

I knock a second time on the door in front of me and no one answers. I put my knuckles on the door about to knock again, but it suddenly opens. A bare chest Dylan appears in front of me; I blush and put my head in order not to look him in the eye.

"I really should get you a key so you can stop waking me up from my naps," he jokes.

"It's the middle of the day and did you forget that we are supposed to do our finals paper today?" I ask walking in without being invited in. Dylan closes the door and follows me to his living room.

"I'm tired and I can sleep whenever I want," he says.

"Anyways, we need to do our papers," I say changing the subject.

"And we can do that in my room," he says pulling me towards his room.

"W-wait, why can't we do that in the living room?" I ask unsure of what is going on.

"Because I need to lay down," he says opening the door to his room.

"Okay," I take a seat on his bed and he lays down next to me staring at me.

"Now let's get to it," he says waiting for me to start, "I really need to pass the finals with an A." He adds.

"Why can't you pass it with a B or C?"

"Because if I get an A, I'll end up passing the class with a B. It won't look good on my record if I barely passed my English class when I apply for law school."

"Um... okay," I say agreeing with him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, you look a little distracted and out of it.

"It's nothing," I said faking a smile.

"Is it because? No..." He said laughing.

"What?" I ask not knowing why he is laughing.

"You are out of it because you are in my bedroom," he laughs.

"No, I'm not," I lie. Gosh, I wish he didn't know me so well.

"Yes, you are. Look Marie-Anne, I am not going to do anything. We can go back to the living room if it'll make you feel better," he offered.

"No, I am fine. Let's begin, I already finished my paper, I just need help editing it," I say opening my laptop.

"And I'll do that as you do mines," he say handing me his laptop. We exchange laptops and I start editing his paper. He's actually a good writer, I thought to myself. I do not know why he is worried about failing the class.

"You look so tense," Dylan says distracting me from my thoughts.

"No, I'm not," I lie again.

"Mhmm," he said sarcastically. He gets up and kisses me.I put my hands over his neck kissing him back. He then trails kisses down my neck. His hands slide up and down my thighs on my jeans. That's when the memory came back, it push me back to reality.

"Wait stop," I say my heart beating a million times a second. I feel like I cannot breath and I start sweating. I think I'm having a panic attack again.

"Marie-Anne, Marie-Anne, are you okay?" Dylan asks, "come on, look at me, just stare into my eyes. You are fine and nothing is wrong," he says but my body starts shaking.

"Breath with me, just take deep breaths; 1,2,3 " and we breath together, "come on, deep breaths," he repeats. We keep taking deep breaths and after a moment my heart beats slow down to what I think is fairly normal.

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