6~ Family👪👪

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Today I have a real date with Dylan. After our little study 'date' he asked me out and I said sure. I mean what could go wrong. In Esther's words 'College is supposed to be fun, go to dates, clubs, have fun.' Well, today I was taking Esther's words for advice, its time to have some fun.

"You're not wearing that are you?" Esther says entering my room. I look down at my clothes. I am wearing some blue jeans and a white polo shirt with my white converse.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing," I ask her. I've been dressing like this for my whole life, now she thinks there's something wrong with it.

"Annie" there she goes again with that name. I hate when she calls me that and she still does. It's probably because I haven't told her the real reason I hate it. "Annie, you have a date for Christ's sake. Dress in something nicer. Yeah, nice."

"E, I look fine." Without saying a word, Esther exits the room. I sigh in relief; I thought she was going to force me to wear a ...

Before I could finish my sentence Esther barges in the room holding a short black dress with some black and white heels.

"A dress?" I say finishing my thought.

"Yes, I am going to make you  look fabulous, I owe it to you."

"Actually Esther, you don't."

"Marie-Anne Sarah Laura Jean, can't you let me do something nice for you. It's a date for god's sake." She just full named me. She must be serious.

"Fine," I say agreeing.

"Okay, sit down," Esther says while pulling out a chair. Letting my guard down, I sit down. She flat irons my curls then curling them up into bigger curls. After my hair, she does my makeup.

Then, pushes me into the bathroom to get dress. When I come out she is holding her hands over her mouth in awe. When I turn around to look in the mirror; I am even surprised to see myself. I look beautiful, but I think I am still overdressed for a date.

Before I could tell Esther that I am overdressed, I hear the doorbell ring. It must be Dylan.

"I'll get it," I tell Esther.  I open the door Dylan was standing there holding my favorite flowers, white roses. That is so sweet, I told him that when we were studying and he remembered. He stares up and down at me. Oh God, I am overdressed he is just wearing jeans and sneakers while I am in heels.

"Um... Sorry. Esther." I say motioning at my dress.

"It's fine, you look beautiful." He says handing me the roses.

"I'll go put those inside. I'll be right back." I take the roses and hand them to Esther who is eavesdropping on us in the corner. I roll my eyes at her, grab my bag and head back out.

"So, you said it was a surprise. So where are you taking me?" I ask while getting inside his car.

"That's the point of a surprise, you don't know about it." He says sarcastically.

"Did I forget to tell you that I hate surprises."

"Well, you are going to love my surprise." I exchange a small smile then closed my eyes enjoying the car ride. The rest of the ride is silent, but a comfortable silence.

About fifteen minutes after, he tells me we had arrived. We are at the the fair, my favorite place. The fair use to be me and my dad's tradition. Every year on my birthday he would take me there. And I never got tired of it.

"Who told you I liked the fair?"

"Esther did."

"You talk to Esther?" I ask surprise. They knew each other, but I thought they were just acquaintances.

"You do realize we live close to each other and we go to the same school, right?" He ask raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah, how could I forget."

"Okay, what do you wanna do first?"

"Is that even a question? We have to get cotton candy."

"How could I forget, we been here a million times together." He says sarcastically. Who does not know that the first thing you do when you get to the fair is buy cotton candy? That is just common sense.

Dylan grabs my hand and we go buy the cotton candy. We ride a million different rides, play games that I beat him in, and we eat dinner.

It is now ten at night, so we are riding our last ride, my personal favorite, the Ferris wheel. I had to force Dylan to ride it. I cannot believe he has not ridden one before.

"Don't you just like seeing the stars?" I ask.


"Come on, why don't you enjoy the night sky?"

"I don't know, I guess I just don't."

"Okay, um let's change the subject," I say seeing that he looks a little bit uncomfortable talking about the night sky. "Okay, so tell a tradition your family has?" I ask.

"Well, we don't have any."

"Come on, every family has traditions."

"Can we not talk about family?" Ouch, looks like I hit a spot I thought.

"How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?" I sing. He starts laughing. He has the craziest ugliest laugh I have ever heard.

"Fast and furious, really?" He asks in between laughs.

"Yep, one of my favorite songs."

"Well, I don't have much family, that's why I don't talk about them."

"Oh, sorry. It's fine you don't have to talk about them."

Before he could say anything, I hear the ride stop. We are stuck on top. I guess they are having some mechanical difficulties.

"What happened, why did we stop?" Dylan asks sounding really scared and worried.

"It's fine, we will be done in a second." This probably could take a few seconds or maybe hours. I have been here enough to know the drill.
Approximately one hour has passed until they finally fixed the ride. Dylan was scared to death, he could not even look down, according to him, he is afraid of heights.

Dylan had driven me home and we were in front of my door. He walked me to my door, he is such a gentleman.

"So, I had fun tonight," I say breaking the silence.

"Yeah, me too."

"Thank you," I say smiling, I was not sure what I should do now. Should I shake his hand, hug him, kiss him, or just leave? I do not know; Dylan who is probably able to read my facial expression of confusion takes my hand and lays a gentle kiss on it.

I could not help, but blush, that is so sweet.

"Goodnight, Marie."

"Goodnight Dylan."

I open up my door and rush inside my face red.

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